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Kamila PoV...
Today is the day that all of us are going to the water Adventure Park for the whole day, apparently the Water Park has a lot of slides and different cool stuff I hope that's true:

I was sleeping comfortably on beside Lucas and his arms were wrapped around my waist, also I could feel the breeze from outside coming from the windows.

I opened my eyes and looked through the window and it was so sunny outside and warm.

I got up quietly cuz I didn't want to wake up Lucas up, because he looked so cute when he was sleeping.

I went to the toilet did my things and I changed into my favourite outfit for today.

I walked out of the toilet and saw that Lucas was gone but I knew that he went to get changed and ready for today because today we're going to the Water Park

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I walked out of the toilet and saw that Lucas was gone but I knew that he went to get changed and ready for today because today we're going to the Water Park.

Sophia PoV...
I was downstairs cooking breakfast with Jennifer,Hayley and Becky because the rest were outside packing.

I saw my eldest daughter kamila coming down the stairs and my eyes were straight on her neck, because she had a massive hickey on her neck.

I smiled to myself because my little girl is not a small girl and finally she is a women, and also I'm happy that she had found a good man for herself.

Kamila: Good morning everyone, How did everyone sleep?

Me: Good morning Sweetie, Did you have a good sleep?

Kamila: Yeah mom, I did.

Jennifer: Kamila, Sweetie what's that on your neck,? Is that a hickey?

I laughed at my daughters reaction and how she ran away to find Lucas, she might be 17 years old but she's still my little girl and thats never gonna change for me.

Hayley: Ms Rodriguez, Kamila grows so fast.

Jennifer: I remember her few days ago, and how immature she was and now, she got mature.

Me: I know that girls, that was the same with her father.

Kamila PoV...
I literally ran to a mirror and saw a large hickey on my neck and so I walked outside holding my neck so it looked like I was stretching and I needed to find Lucas.

After few minutes of looking I found him packing stuff with his dad, he saw me and walked to me so I kissed his cheek.

Lucas: Hey, why you kissing my cheek and not on my lips where I like?

Me: Because I'm angry at you Lucas!

Lucas: Why? What did I do this time love?

Me: You left a massive hickey on my neck, and you didn't even fucking tell me! Do you understand that If my fathers finds out he's going to kill both of us.

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