chapter one

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(Name) let out a sigh as she walked home from yet Another case. Ever since her two other partners, Basil and Dr David Q. Dawson, had defeated Professor Ratigan, they have been given cases left and right. She was very tired and she had bags under her eyes as she walked back to her home. London never kept them short on cases 5o solve. And for the (fur colour) furred mouse, it seemed as though these cases were getting quite dull. "don't worry (name), I'm sure we'll get a better nut to crack soon" Basil said parting her back.

Dr Dawson nodded in agreement and the young mouse nodded "yeah, your right. Maybe it'll be as exciting as it was with ratiagan " she said with a smile on her face. Basil smiled along with her "that's the spirit " he says and Dawson chuckled at them both as (name) and Basil kept fantasizing over their case. He knew Basil and (named) liked each other. But not in a romantic way. Ever since the case with Ratigan, they have been like siblings. Arguing with each other one minute then hugging in joy. It's been that way ever since.

The trio went back to their now shared house and Basil sat down on his couch with his new violin and played on it a little while (name) and Dawson went to their own rooms to prepare for the night. But while they did, Basil noticed a small envelope was sent through his doorstep. "hmmm" he hummed and he got up and picked it up. Upon opening it, he sighed. Another case to solve. Couldn't they ever get a break ? Especially (name). Every time they had a case, Basil would be the one to track down everything but (name) was the one who would actually go to get it done. Of course him and Dawson would come but she would beat them to it. But he knew she did it because she wanted to. She was never forced to do any of it.

Sighing, Basil read the paper

Dear basil of baker street.

I have terrible news and I would need assistance. If you and your two others were to solve this case, you will be rewarded handsomely. We have found out that two other mice have been planning on taking over not just mousedom. They plan on taking over the world. Their names are Pinky and the Brain. Normally, their plans would fail, but this one seems to be successful. You must find them at Acme labs in America. That is all the information I can spill out to to you at the moment, but if you were wondering who I am or how I will give you your reward, the answer is not that complicated. My name does not matter and do not worry, I will know, when the task is done, i will send the money to you at your doorstep.

Sincerely , a friend.

Basil sighed. This one did seem a bit queer. But a case was a case. Maybe it was a joke? No, he remembered some lab named acme. He never went there but he had heard it from another case. Thinking to himself he smiled. This should be a perfect case for them! A nice chance to get out of London. Yes, a change of scenery would be nice.

"(Name), Dr Dawson" Basil greeted as he saw them both wake up and head out of their rooms. "Oh, Good morning basil" Dawson said as (name) and him got something to eat. The three sat down and (name) smiled as she saw Basil continuously fidgeting around.

"Did you find another case Basil?" She asks. Basil smiled. She knew him too well. Whenever he got antsy, she knew it was something about a case. And whenever he was depressed, she could tell he was either frustrated over a problem or he was outsmarted. That's one thing he liked about her. She could pick up almost the smallest detail about someone. Nodding, Basil turned to face her "yes actually, we have a new case going to America. " he says and the two other mice looked at him with wide eyes "there are two criminal by the names of pinky, and the Brain. But they don't plan to just take over mousedom, they want to rule the whole world. If we don't stop them they just might succeed. " He says and he hands (name) the paper he received the night before.

"now, one of us will have to travel there and the others will stay-" "I will! I've always wanted to go to the united states !" (name) said cutting basil off before he could finish. Basil and Dr Dawson smiled warmly at the mouse. "Alright, then that's settled " he says taking out a piece of paper. (Name) looked at them in a bit of shock. "really?" She asks. Dawson nodded "of course! Besides, you deserve first choice" Dawson said and Basil nodded. Smiling (name) got up and hugged both of them. "thank you ! Thank you both!" She cheered basil smiled "you're very welcome. Now, you leave tomorrow " he says and she nods and ran off to pack. The United States was going to be different. And that's what excited her the most about this new adventure.

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