chapter two

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         The next two days have been nothing but painfully waiting. She wanted to go and go now, but she had to be patient. But alas, she was a small child on the inside. Underneath the serious detective. She was a little pinkie(no pun intended). Basil and Dawson stood by her as she was getting ready to head off. “Well, we wish you the best of luck miss (name)” Basil smiled as he held out a hand to you to shake. Rolling her eyes, (name ) pulled Basil into a hug. “Oh, quit being so formal ya big goose" she said and Basil chuckle in response as he hugged back.

When it came down to Dawson, he was in tears. (Name ) laughed a little “ Oh, Dawson, it's alright. I'll come back. I'm not going to leave you two” she says as she hugged the smaller man. Basil smiled at the two. This was another reason why she was such a good detective. Whenever they had caught the criminal (if the case Involved one), she would try to help. But she wasn't desperate to help them. She knew when a criminal deserved their fate. But other times she would try to bring them on the right path again.

“ Well, see you on the flipside!” (name) said happily as she ran into the plane for the U.S. and the it took off. Smiling (name) looked out of the window waving to the two other mice as the plane took off. Sitting back in her seat (name) let out a sigh. This was it. With a smile she closed her eyes and fell asleep to make the time pass.

(Name) looked around around. Her eyes wide at the sight. It was a huge city, cars were on the opposite side and everything seemed lively Dispite it being past 9 at night. Smiling, She pulled her luggage and began to walk. “Hey! (Name)! “ a voice called from above. (Name) smiled “Bartok!” She called out happily. Bartok, was a albino bat also know as bartok the magnificent , who had saved Russia from an evil ruler. She smiled as he landed right next to her. He had moved here, for reasons she didn't understand. There, he was famous. But here, he was as popular and famous as she was at the moment. “Hey (name)!” He greeted raking her hand and shaking it “how's it goin? Like the trip so far?” He asks with a smile. She smiled “oh! Bartok, it's good to see you! Oh, I'm so excited! “ she cheered. Bartok smiled as he rolled his eyes “alright alright, settle down twinkle toes. I'll take you to the place basil set up for you here." He says and she laughs a little at the name. Getting onto Bartok's back, he flew off and (name) let out a gasp looking below her. The lights of the city were amazing. Like small specks of lights. “Oh, man, it's beautiful” she said. Bartok nodded “yeah, and it might it be like this for only so long. “ He says and she looked at him in confusion. “If Pinky and the Brain complete their goal, I don't it's going to be pretty “ he says and she sighs, nodding in agreement. “but I'll put a stop on it!” She says cheering up. Bartok smiled “yeah, I know you will, Basil picked the right mouse for the job.” he says and she smiled “aww,  thanks Bartok.” She said and he hums as a response.

Once the two reached an apartment building Bartok landed and (name) got off his back. Her eyes widen as she looked at where she was staying. It was a humans apartment. “um, Bartok…..” She said and as if reading her mind, he shook his head, “don't worry (Name)” he said. “here, they don't react to talking animals, sure some may find it weird, but they tend to act like they are humans” he says. She slowly nodded “Well, I need get going, see ya (name)” he says and she waved as he flew off. When she turned around she lifted the window and walked in the room.

It was big. Of course, it was, it was a human's room. Loud shouting came from the apartment room next to you. Jumping onto the bed near the windowsill, she winced at the squeak the resulted. “loud neighbors….old room…….” She said as she looked around. “I love it!” She said a she fell flat on her back on the bed. A beeping noise came from the alarmclock near the bed. Looking to her side, sgve noticed it read 12 Am. She yawned and pulled up the large blanket and pulled out the right sized pillow from her luggage and placed it on the bed and laid down yawning. And before she could notice it, everything went black and she fell asleep.

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