chapter 3

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Brain soon arrived at Fiero company. The building was certainly big. Brain walked through the door to where his soon to be boss was and into his office.

"Ah, mister brain" the man greeted. "yes" brain nodded as he pulled the lever on his suit and his hand smashed through the desk. The man folded his arms " Well, aren't we an eager beaver" he said. Brain shook his head " Actually, No I am not related To the beaver family in any way." he said. The man blinked a few times before laughing a little to himself. "Well, that's a good comeback. Please. Be seated." The man said motioning to the chair behind brain.

" Mr. Brain, As you know we at Fiero in company Are re-reinsurers. I provide insurance to re-insurers Who insure insurance companies." (try saying that 10 times fast) he said "is that lucrative?" Brain asked and the man nodded "take a look" he says as he opened a drawer that held many wads of cash and the Brain's eyes widen. " Very impressive Princeton Harvard business six years in the industry. Tell me mister Brain, What are your long carer term goals?" He asked. With a serious expression he looked at the man

" I plan on taking over the world." Brain said. The man once again laughed "Well, you got drive. I like that" he says " But confidentially, Taking over the world's my job" he chuckled. "yes" brain said as he gave a monotone laugh. "yes, bow, brass tracks, are you married?" " the boss asks. The brain shook his head "no, I do have a, uh, roommate, but uh, he's very busy with his own activities" Bain says as he imaged pinky putting lipstick on, kissing the mirror. The man nodded, well, mister Brain, welcome to the world of re-reinsurance" he says and the two shook hands.

~timeskip because of narf~

Bartok flew to (Name)'s window and began to tap a lot. Groaning (name) climbed to the windowsill and opened the window. "Bartok? What's the matter?" She asked. The bat landed before catching his breath. When he caught his breath he explained to the (fur color) furred mouse about what he saw. (Name)s eyes widen at the information. "Crikey! " she exclaimed as she looked at him " do you know where he went?" She asked the white bat. Bartok nodded "the shorter one was in this metal suit and went into a place called Fiero and company" he said (name) nodded "you must take me there" she said and bartok nodded "alright, hold on" he says as he flew off.

Once bartok and (name) reached the building, bartok flew in and open window and (name) gave him directions on where to go based on the signs in the walls. When a sign on a large door said boss on it, Bartok went through the small opening and Landed on his desk. The boss stood up his eyes widening "whoa, miss, do not tell me you were turned into a mouse as well!" He said frowning. (Name) tilted her head in confusion."what? No, I was just asking if you know someone by the name of Brian. " She said. The man looked at her and frowned "yeah, I know him. Tonight we're going into court because he claims my microwave 'turned him into a mouse" he says. You nod " Oh, I'm sorry about that sir. Might you have any Idea where he is?" you ask. The man shook his head "sorry miss. But all I know is that he is going into be in the court house. " He said " And if you wouldn't mind doing me a favour, could you please get rid of the x ray evidence that he is a mouse . It would ruin my company and put us all put of work" she got back onto Bartok's back after she opened his office window and turned to the man "I already plan on it" she said and her and Bartok flew off

~Back with pinky and the Brain~

Pinky smiled as brain came back into their cage. "hello there Brain. Poit." Pinky greeted. Brain walked into the cage, pulling out a few x rays of himself and placing them in an envelope "pinky, I have a task for you." he says as he looked at the slimmer mouse. Pinky put his hands on his hips. "not even a hello?" pinky says and Brain sighs. "hello, Pinky" he said. "now, when I go to court, I need you, to bring me this envelope . I can't be seen with it otherwise they'll have suspicions of me tampering with it. It is crucial that you are not seen. Is that clear?" Brain questioned. Pink smiled as he saluted Brain and he sighed " aye eye captain Brain!" pinky laughed.

When brain walked away in his suit pinky smiled as he began to clean around his cage. Something moved at the corner of his eye. It was the envelope Brain had given him. Pinkys eyes widen as it fell off the table. Pinky ran over to the edge of the table and he gasped as he saw that the envelope wasnt running away, but someone was stealing it. At first he thought it was, but at a closer look, he could see it was a (fur colour ) furred mouse! "hey!" Pinky yelled out as he jumped off the ledge and began chasing the thief. "stop! Narf!" He yelled as he chased them out of the lab. But sadly, pinky had lost the other mouse. Pinky gulped, Brain would not be happy about this. But the only thing he could think of was to get Brain. Maybe he could help.

Brains eyes widen in anger as he was told the news. "what?! How could you let it just slip away?! Who would want to steal it? Are you sure it wasn't sure it wasn't the wind?" he asks. Pinky nods "yes, I am quite sure that it wasn't. It was a mouse!" pinky said as he thought to himself. Brain frowned as he hit pinky over the head "ow! Ha!" pinky laughed as he held his head. Brain grumbled as he grabbed Pinkys wrist and jumped off the table he was on and began to run out the door " come pinky, we must get it back, we still have a bit of time!" Brain said as pinky ran behind him

Back with (name)

(Name) painted as she held the envelope close to herself. Finaly. She held the envelope and opened it up. Inside were a few x rays of what she assumed was brain. Sighing, she sat on the ground. Never had she had to run that far.

Man, that mouse was fast. She closed her eyes and let out a long breath, now all she has to do was wait for Bartok. This task seemed almost too easy. Was this it? Was this all she had to do. To be honest, she was expecting a bit more of a challenge.

" over here Brain! There she is! Narf! " a voice called out, making (name) jumps a little. She thought too soon. Getting up she began to run "pinky, after that mouse!" He called out and (name)s heart rate began to go up. But that was short lived as pinky had done the first thing that came to mind, pinky lunged at her, making (name) fall over. Out of panic, (name) pulled the x rays out of the envelope and ripped them up. Brains eyes widen

" no!" He yelled as he watched them fly in the wind. That was his best shot at winning over that money. (Name) tried to get up and brain quickly noticed this and he grabbed some string and tied up (Name)s hands and feet and knocked her out. "pinky" brain said as he looked at the taller mouse, "take her to the lab, make sure she didn't get away" he says and pinky tilted his head "why Brain? What are we doing with her?" He asks as he pointed at (Name). Brain turned back to look at him "were going to do an interrogation" he said as he held his hands together. "Oh! Can I watch them? Can I? Can I?" Pinky pleads. Brain sighed "fine pinky, just go" he said and pinky cheered. "Yay! Zort! " he said as he carried (Name) over his shoulder, heading back to acme labs.

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