chapter four

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(Name) groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She slowly sat up from her position but she noticed her wrists were tied, her eyes followed the string of rope to where it was tied into a part of a cage. Looking in front of her. She yelled out in panic as she were met with two large blue eye in her face. "oh! Good morning! " said the one she assumed was Pinky. She stayed quiet and frowned at him. Pinky only smiled 'Well, not a talker are you? Poit" he says only to revive a glare from her. Smiling, he stood up and ran to the entrance of the cage.

"Brain! She's awake!" He called out. Looking around she saw a smaller mouse, walk into the cage "hello there." Brain greeted. "let. Me. Go. " she said firmly.

He took a few steps closer "no can do. I have a few questions to ask." he says as he stood in front of (name). "first off, what is your name?" He asks. You frown "I don't know egghead. You tell me" she said and he growled a little " don't, call me that. " he said and shr smirked a little "Oh? What's the matter? Are you upset because I'm making fun of the watermelon you call a head?" She remarks.

"Stop that!" Brain snapped. Pinkys ears fell flat against his head as he saw his best friend get upset. "just tell me your name!" He snapped. (name) shook her head. Brain yelled out in frustration "fine! Dont tell me!" He yelled as he stormed away and past pinky.

Pinky looked back at you and sat in front of her. (Name) looked back at him and her expression softened as he saw his saddened one. "please, we just want to know your name." Pinky pleaded. Brain popped his head back in as he noticed she didn't snap or mock Pinky like she did to him. (Name) sighed "my name is (Name)(last name). " She said. Pinkys ears perked up as he heard her speak. He was expecting her to lash out and yell at him. "amazing! Troz!" He says and Brain went to sit next to pinky, calming down,

"what are you doing here? Especially if you were tampering my plan to take over the world?" He asks. She frowned and turned her head to see a saddened pinky as he had his ears were down again and his pleading eyes . Sighing she pulled her knees close to her " I'm a detective. I work with Basil of baker street. I was originally sent here to stop you from taking over the world and from causing chaos" she said and brain nodded.

"I see" he says. And a smile formed on his face as he stood up. "Yes, yes!" Brain cheered to himself. (Name) raised an eyebrow and pinky got up as well " What is it Brain?" he asked. Brain looked at her. " you, will Now work for me!" he says grinning. (Name)s eyes widen as he spoke and she got up, but still tied up by the wrists "you can't do that! I won't!" You snapped at him. He chuckled " Oh I can, and I will. Here you are my prisoner. If you really are a detective than you will be able to correct the flaws in my plans so I can take over the world'' he says. (Name) let out a long sigh. The only way out was if they let her go or if she could gain their trust and then escape. Because as of now, she knew, even if she did manage to get out, they'd probably chase her down.

~time skip~

Pinky and the Brain sat on the table next to the cage, the brain was tearing the teeth off of celebrities pictures and hanging them up. (Name) watched from the side of the cage. The two, Mostly by pinky pleading to brain, gave (name) a longer rope and now only one wrist was tied, just so she could move around the lab. So she just decided to watch and she sat on the edge of the table where the cage was. Brain ripped another piece of paper of a set of teeth

" Celebrity, Pinky, A weird and magical power, and those who have it weird tremendous influence. Few can avoid the enchantment of its spell. Do you know what gives them this power?" He asks as he pinned up the image. "pinky?" He asked as he looked around to see pinky pick up a photo without a mouth. "look at me brain! I'm on clutch Cargo. Narf! Blah blah blah blah blah blah! Hey paddlefoot, do you know what they call a quarter pounder in france?" He laughed.

(Name) couldn't help but smile and give a small laugh at his goofball behaviour. Brain frowned as he grabbed Pinkys muzzle and pulled him down to eye level "enough gay banter" he says. "Hey, be nice" (name) said frowning. Brain sighed.
"Trust me, if you lived with him as long as I did, you would consider this merciful. Now, Pinky, behold the key to the power of attraction." Brain said as he pointed to the many smiles he pinned up. Pinkys eyes lit up happily "pushpins! Hurrah!" pinky cheered. Pinky shop his head "no, pinky, this " Brain said as he used a pointer to to point at the smiles. "a winning smile." He says. Pinky smiled and nods "Oh right. And a nice healthy gum." He says. Brain sighs as she looked at the other mouse

"and, a nice healthy gum. I have taken this idea Pinky, of the influential smile to a new level. A level of no less than world domination. Behold the great capitulator!" Brain said as he pulled up the sheet that had his plans on and behind it was some sort of machine that was mixed with a rotary telephone. Pinky gasped and brain smirked

" oh! Egad Braun. It's......when did you have time to make that?" He asked in confusion. (Name) moved the string she was tied to and used it to walk over to where the two mice were. Brain glanced over to her and his smirked. If the enemy is impressed that mean it must be good. "I did it while you were engrossed in your "me belvedere reruns." pink nods as he wiped a tear from his eye "Oh, I miss him." Brain rolled his eyes "by manipulating adhesive qualities of polymer based alkyds and calciumertric platform bases, we can synthesize a resinous cladding for the foremost unlike structures rooted in my jaw socket." Brain said as he jumped off the machine and land next to pinky.

(Name) tilted her head as she stepped closer " you mean" she said trying to find the right word. Brain smirked "yes. Dentures" he says as he pulled out a pair of teeth from the machine and showed them to both (Name) and pinky and then put it in his mouth. "that's what's going to help you take over the world?" (Name) said in a scoff. Pinky smiled "well, Brain, I think they're enchanting." Brain nodded

"ironically, pinky, that's exactly what it is. For the reflective vibrations of my smile, stimulate the medulla oblongata. Causing the view to adore me for no good reason." He says as he laughed a little "Ergo, instant celebrity." (Name) shook her head " zort! I'm adoring you for no good reason." Pinky said as he swayed back and forth.

Brain sighed "Pinky, nothing you do is for good reason" he said and he walked to a beaker and looked at himself in the reflection. "once the world views my happy grin, they will be our willing followers." He said and pinky smiled " Egad Brain! Brilliant!" (name) sighs shaking her head "what about people who wear sunglasses?" she asked and Brain began to think "hmmm..we'll work nights. But first, we need mass exposure." He says and (name) laughed as an idea popped into her head "too bad things don't work like they do in movies " she said teasingly and Brain frowned but that dmfrowned turned into a grin "that's it! " he says as he turned to pinky " pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" He asks and pinky began to think. "I think so brain, but it's a miracle that this one grew back." He said holding his knee in the air. Brain frowned " no, pinky. We shall use a weapon of great stealth power and corruption. Our own sitcom!" Brain said.

(Name) rolled her eyes "really? And I thought Ratigans idea was bad. " She said. Ignoring her statement he walked over to the stage and he united the string and then tied the end of it to Pinkys wrist. "there. You're coming with us. " He said and he looked at pinky

" make sure she doesn't try to run off" he says and pinky smiled and saluted him. Brain sighs as he pulled pinky and they jumped off the table meaning (Name) followed as well as she was tied to Pinky. Brain sighed as he went onto the janitors pocket and grabbed his keys.

The next thing (Name) knew, she was on a motorcycle seat as brain drove it and pinky laughed the whole time. But as they were driving, the police started following us with their lights on. " Oh no....." (Name) said as she hugged her knees. The two bikes were put into brakes, the last thing (Name) knew, pinky smiled at the officer and his eyes bed and hazy " I'm adoring you for no good reason" he said and Brain smirked at (name)s expression as she had pure shock on her face.

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