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(y/n) POV

I was just hanging back in the tour bus while the boys finished the show. I was tired and I had such a pounding headache. I hope Andy doesnt worry too much when he notices I am not waiting for him backstage. I was sitting in the lounge area on the couch looking out the window of the bus. My stomach churned and I felt like I may throw up again. I have been sick for the past two days of this tour. But I didnt want to tell Andy because I know he would get worried. Jinxx noticed something was up though yesterday and asked if I was alright but I said yes just tired.

"Ughhh" I groan looking out the window still. I felt worst by the second. So I stood up and walked over to the mini fridge grabbing a bottle water. Maybe that will help. I dont get but a few sips before I feel it come back up. I set it down on the counter quickly and ran outside. I got down the steps of the tour bus before dropping on my knees and letting everything that was left in my stomach flow out. I hugged my stomach feeling like shit as I gagged.

I soon finished feeling the aweful sour taste and feeling cold shivers running up my spine. I slowly stood up my legs wobbling. I hugged my stomach and walked back up into the bus. I felt light headed so I walked over to the bunks and got into Andy's bunk. I slid the curtain back and got into his bed. I couldnt even shut the curtain. I felt aweful. I just laid on his pillow. It smelled like him which calmed me down a bit. I closed my eyes and felt a little better.

Andy's POV

We finished up with the show and headed back to the bus where we could change and then go to the meet and greet. I was first on the bus and I expected when I opened the door to see (y/n) Surpirise me with a hug and a kiss. But that didnt happen. I didnt see her anywhere.  The rest of the band came in.

"Where is (y/n)? Jake asked as he scanned the bus. I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to the bunk area. I looked around and saw the curtain to my bunk psuhed open. And inside was (y/n) Her head laying on my pillow and cute little snores exiting from her slightly opened mouth. But cuteness was washed away when I seen how pale she looked. The color in her face drained. She looked miserable. And I noticed sweat droplets beating from her head. I pushed part of her hair away gently and put my hand on her face. She Didnt feel like she had a fever.

"Hey Andy....." I hear Ashley interupt. But he stops. I look over at him.

"Is she okay" He asks walking next to me and looking at (y/n) with concern spread on his face.

"I dont know" I say honestly. I hear harsh coughs start to exit from her mouth.

"(Y/N)!?" I say shaking her a bit. she sounded aweful. Her eyes slowly open and our eyes gaze into one another.

"Andy?" She says. I nod.

"How was the show" She says. Her natural energy was gone and she literally sounded dead.

"How are you" I say changing the subject. She closes her eyes for a second then open them again.

"Andy I feel like fucking shit" She says her voice raspy. I lean closer to her picking her up and out of the bed. I carry her bridal style to the lounge and set her on the couch.

"Jake could you get me a wet rag" I say pushing (y/n) out of her face. Joake returns with a damp rag which I put on her forhead.

"Andy why are you so kind" (y/n) Says before coughing again. I shush her gently and caress her cheek gently. She closes her eyes again falling into a light sleep. I kiss her cheek and stand up.

"Andy you can stay here while we go to meet the fans" CC suggest.

"No I love our fans. I think she will be fine until then." It hurt me to say I was leaving her in this condition.

"No really andy they will understand" Jinxx butts in.

"I will go. It wont take long. Plus she is alseep" I look down at her and bend down fixing the cloth.

"Are you sure?" Jinxx says walking over to the door. I nod and lightly grab onto (y/n) hand.

"I will be right back okay" I say soflty and kiss her hand lightly before setting it down on her torso. It was hard to tear myself away from her but I had to. Our fans were important. I take one more look at her sleeping figure and wisper "I love you" Before walking out.

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