little one

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(y/n) POV

"Shut up Ash" I flip off ashley as I rub my stomach.

"So is it a girl or a boy" CC comes into the tour bus.

"Um well its going to be a boy" I answer. I walk over to the kitchen and pull out a water from the mini fridge that they had in the tour bus.

"Awe how fucking cute. Have you and andy picked out names yet?" Jake asked flopping down on the couch.

"Well if I have my way we are naming him Kellin" I smirk.

"How original. Let me guess Kellin as in sleeping with sirens kellin" Jinxx gets in on the conversation.

"What!? well um maybe who knows haha" I laugh. The boys roll their eyes as I see the bus door open again. And in comes Andy.

"Andy" I say happily and walk over wrapping my arms around his neck. It was hard to hug him with my pregnant stomach. But we made it work.

"Awe I am all touched the fuck up. And now I am hungry can we eat" Ashley interupts. And and I kiss and we hear the boys fill the bus with ew. We blush and walk out of the bus flipping the rest of the band off.

"So how are my two favorite people" Andy smiles down at me wrapping an arm around my waist. Well the little one has been making me exausted. So much is I fall asleep before I could watch you guys peform at night. Plus you try walking around with this baggage. I swear he is like a thousand pounds" I say. Andy laughs and kissed my cheek as we walked to the front of the stadium where all the fans were lined up to watch the show tonight. They cheered as they saw Andy.

"Andy your fans are amazing" I smile seeing them cheer. We walk over to them and say hi. There wasnt a large line yet concidering the show isnt for another few hours. We were talking and taking pictures. Well Andy was I just took the pictures for them.

"(y/n) When is the baby due?" One of the fans squeal for joy.

"Um in a couple weeks" I say smiling. I think I was more relieved that this bundle would be out of my stomach and I could just eat for me and not two.

"Awe its going to be a little Andy." Another squealed. I looked over at andy who looked at me with fright.

"I pray its more like the mother" Andy says. I laugh at his comment.

"Whats going to be his name" Another asked. I looked over at Andy and smirked.

"Kellin" I say.

"Wait that wasnt for sure yet" Andy butts in.

"Oh yes it is going to be kellin. Spread that around alright guys that Andy's soon to be son will be named after Kellin Quinn" I stick my tongue at Andy and pouts. I walk over and wrap and arm around his back and lay my head gently on his shoulder. Recieving awes from the fans.

"I love you Andy" I poke him in the side making him jump.

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