your cute when your blushing

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y/n POV

Andy was having the guys over at our place so they could hang out or whatever.

I walked into the living room seeing everyone having a great time.

"hey guys" I smile waving at them all.

"hello hun" Andy blew a kiss.

"So much love in here I love it" I say mentioning all the happiness in the room. It was fun to have the rest of the band over.

"I love you" Andy teased.

"Andy stop it" I lower my head.

"Awe your cute when your blushing" Andy mocked in a baby voice. I look up and see him as he ran over to me embracing me in a bone crushing hug.

"Andy I love you but I need air" I laugh as he slowly let go.

"You should blush often its cute" He said kissing both of my cheeks.

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