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Maxine Mayfield is the opposite of girly.

Max is a skater. She cares more about skating then her academic grades which is the reason her teacher forced her to get a tutor; a fellow sophomore, Mike Wheeler. You have no idea how much Michael Wheeler infuriated her. His cocky ass was always telling her what to do.

Max, smoking is so bad for you!

If you put a little more effort into your grades you could be a straight A student, you're a really smart girl when you want to be.

Max couldn't even count all the times she must've told the boy to shut the fuck up. He really got on her nerves.

Mike Wheeler was a
total nerd in Max's eyes, although he didn't look like one. He was top of the class and was hands down one of the cutest boys in the 10th grade. This fact only made Max more furious.

Mike Wheeler tutored Max on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays after school. This exhilarating study schedule never settled well with her. She would often groan through the study sessions and tell mike that she would rather be skateboarding with her best friend, Ryan than listening to him run his mouth about something she didn't care about. Mike was surprisingly patient with Max's unpleasant attitude.

Until it came to smoking.

The study sessions would often last an hour. There was no way Max could go that long listening to Mike's voice with out taking a break for a cigarette. He hated it when she smoked. He knew that she wouldn't let up with out a fight so he often gave in but not without mumbling the effects of smoking to her. Most of the time, Mike came out with her when she smoke because he knew if she had the chance she would skate right home. And he was right.

The only two reasons Max even showed up to Mike Wheeler's house was because;

1. Her boyfriend, Lucas, who was also Mike's best friend would make sure she got out to Mike's car.

2. Mike physically drove Maxine to his house.

Out of the hour they were together, only 30 minutes would be spent studying. Between Max and her cigarette breaks, her trying to convince Mike to take up skateboarding, him constantly telling her to pay attention or stay on task, and Max shoving her nose in all of Mike's comic books and video games, neither were focused the entire time.

But Max just couldn't stand her tutor, Mike Wheeler.

Or could she?

wow it's only the prologue and this already sucks!!! there's not enough madwheeler fanfictions show i thought i'd give one a shot lol.
please vote and comment, i seek approval🤑😩🤙🏻💦

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