1.0; what the fuck, wheeler!

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It's Wednesday

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It's Wednesday. Max loves Wednesdays. But this is only because she doesn't have to go to her dreaded tutor, Mike Wheeler's house. Except she doesn't like this Wednesday very much. Mike Wheeler ruined it.

Max was at her locker with her best friend since she was two, Ryan Davis.
"I'm so excited for the skatepark. I can show off my new board to everyone there." Ryan boasted with a smirk. Max only playfully rolled her eyes while she pulled the skateboard she has had for three years now out of her locker.
"You have fun with that," she said, slightly laughing, "We should get going now."
Just as max slammed her locker, she heard a familiar, obnoxious voice calling her name.
"Max, wait up!"
"One second, Ryan." Max said, annoyed as she turned around to come face to face with Mike Wheeler.
"What's up, Wheeler?" Max groaned.
"We're rescheduled for today. Didn't you get my text?"
"Wheeler, you should know by now that I ignore your texts."
"Well I'm tutoring you today since you were 'sick' yesterday." Mike said, putting air quotes around the word sick and placing his hands on his hips. When Mike sarcastically said the word sick, Max immediately grew furious even though she didn't show it. Of course Max wasn't sick yesterday. She never got sick. Although, she did have a very good reason for staying home, one she would never share.
"What the fuck, Wheeler! I have plans of going to the skate park." Max pleaded.
"I would totally be fine with just skipping a day this week, but you have a test tomorrow! And I damn well know you are not gonna study on your own."
"Max it's fine, we can go together on Friday." Ryan reasoned. Max let out a frustrated sigh and put her skate board at her feet, skating right out of the school with Mike behind her, trying to keep up.
When Max reached Mike's car, she sat on the hood and waited for Mike's slow ass to get there too. They both got into the car and Max could see girls staring at her with confused looks. The same ones she gets whenever she's around Michael Wheeler. Most girls at Hawkins Highschool drooled over him, literally. Max didn't understand though. Sure he wasn't too bad with looks but he was a complete and total nerd. She sighed as she kicked her feet up on Mike's dashboard and thought about all the other things she could of been doing right now.
Instead of being in the passenger seat of Mike's car.
vote if this chapter sucked 😩🤑🤙🏻💦


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