the kims. Ⅰ

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    The Kims are the richest and most beautiful family known in the city. They live calmly in their mansion, they don't have problems with the poor, and they know their limits with money.

    Kim Namjoon is the first father. He is a rapper for a hobby and he produces music for artists in his own industry called BigHit Ent. He goes clubbing every once in a while with some friends and he does have a decent amount of free time so he is usually available.

    Kim Seokjin is the second father

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    Kim Seokjin is the second father. He is teased for his motherly nature and how he still loves it when he remembers back in high school when he dyed his hair pink, but oh well. He works as a model for multiple companies. He is one of the most handsome men in the world and he proudly flaunts that fact.

 He is one of the most handsome men in the world and he proudly flaunts that fact

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    Lastly, the son. Kim Taehyung. He has gotten his looks from both of his parents and you can tell. Taehyung is another thing Jin likes to flaunt. He's proud that his son has his and Namjoon's beauty. Taehyung is currently in high school and he works part time as a model when people need it and he likes to sing to himself and make small tunes on the program's his dad installed on his computer.

 Taehyung is currently in high school and he works part time as a model when people need it and he likes to sing to himself and make small tunes on the program's his dad installed on his computer

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    He has always taught himself to never flaunt his money or looks. While he is proud, he likes to be the opposite of what people expect from the richest. He likes to be open and easy to talk to with a good sense of humor from all of the dad jokes he'd endured and a fair share of hard times when people don't listen.


    Jeon Jungkook isn't from a wealthy family. He's lived in a small creaky house most of his life but he has amazing parents and a sister. He's good looking, but that can only take you so far. He believes that every rich person is conceited and he doesn't think that will ever change. He just hates how they usually act around others. Around other normal citizens, though, he's probably the nicest person you'll ever meet.

 Around other normal citizens, though, he's probably the nicest person you'll ever meet

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    "Hey!" Taehyung greets the first person he sees who happens to be Jeon Jungkook. The boy who got into their school by his grades instead of his parent's money. One of the very few. Jungkook took one look and averted his eyes. He knew who he was.

    Taehyung had been on magazines and he was obviously rich from his jacket and bag and shoes and shirt and not to mention even his phone case. Jungkook found it sad and sighed while he continued walking.

    "You okay, bud?" Taehyung was walking next to him with his head turned to the side.

    "I'm not your 'bud.' I simply just don't want to talk to a conceited rich high schooler at the moment." Jungkook rolled his eyes and quickened his pace.

    "Did I come off that way?" Taehyung mumbled to himself. He turned around to maybe find a person he knew to talk to him. It wouldn't be easy to talk to Jungkook now so he'd go on pursuit later.

    A small boy he recognized passed through the gates and Taehyung went charging at him with his arms wide open. He squished the boy between his arms and chest.

    "Jiminie!!" He squealed like a girl. The smaller was obviously having a little trouble breathing so Taehyung let go and gave an "I'm sorry."

    "It's fine. What were you doing so ahead?" Jimin asked and he caught his breath and began walking.

    "I was talking to Jungkook." He said proudly with his hands on his hips.

    "Jeon Jungkook would never talk to you. He can barely tolerate me and I'm not even close to as rich as you." Jimin chuckled.

    "Correction. I was trying to talk to him." Taehyung kicked a rock by his feet with a pout.

    "He hates rich people. I would be surprised if he even waved at you!" Jimin burst out laughing. "Why were you even trying anyway?"

    "I thought he was cute. He would have a pretty smile." Taehyung was off in dreamland.

    "Aish, just accept that he isn't going to want to talk to you." Jimin groaned while he grabbed his books and slammed his locker closed afterwards.

    "I will never! He will talk to me and he will like it!" Taehyung demanded as he repeated Jimin's actions, then following him to their class.

    Taehyung immediately spotted the younger and rushed to his desk.

    "He really isn't going to give up, is he?" Jimin sighed aloud as he waited for his friend to come back with a disappointed face and news that he'd been rejected again.

    "What do you want, Taehyung?" Jungkook laid his head on his desk and groaned.

    "I wanna talk!" The older beamed.

    "And I don't. Go away." Jungkook growled.

    "Class, sit down!" The teacher, Ms. Park said sweetly. The class was quick to take their seats.

    "I told you it wouldn't work." Jimin whispered as the lesson started.

    "I'm going to get his attention, you just wait." Taehyung sat with his eyebrows furrowed and his arms crossed in front of him as he huffed like a child.

And that's when Taehyung began to think through his plan.

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