last week. XVIII

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    Taehyung was sitting with Jimin watching an anime. He had gotten out a few more tears, starting to believe that he was going to be forced into this.

Yoongi was making ramen for the three of them, after getting a call from Jungkook.

"TaeTae, promise you'll call me and text me and tell me everything you're doing in America?" Jimin said, pinky out.

"Promise. I'll send pictures! Even the ones I don't post." Taehyung snickered, linking their pinkies.

Yoongi came upstairs with the ramen, Taehyung scooting over so the oldest could sit by his boyfriend. He heard the little mumbles and soft giggles from the couple. He didn't know whether to find it cute or annoying, considering he wanted to be with Jungkook.

The day was mostly a mixture of laziness. Taehyung finally left at one in the morning with two bowls of ramen in his stomach and a phone with a sticky note saying, 'don't answer Jungkook unless he's dying.' Courtesy of Jimin, of course.


Taehyung slowly walked down the roads in an attempt to follow the other hundred things Jimin told him. "Avoid Jungkook. Do NOT get in his way. Eat lunch in the cafeteria." But each part on the list ended with "it's what's best for you. Remember, you won't see him again for possibly 10 years, maybe even forever."

Taehyung's heart was slowly cracking, even on the first day. He couldn't text Jungkook. He has to follow what Jimin said, right?

He finally reached the gates, but only to see Jungkook with worried eyes, frantically searching for Taehyung among the students. So, the older threw those notes out the window and trudged to him with his head hung low.

"Oh holy! Where were you! Did you get my text? What did your parents say? Are you-" Jungkook was cut off by Taehyung's small mumble.

"Let's not talk about my parents or what's happening. I want to stay like how we are." He let out a weak smile and held the younger's hand as they traveled down the gravel road to their hell.

Of course, Jimin scolded Taehyung when he saw the two walk into class together, but Taehyung knew he was going to make the most of the days left.

"I won't break up with him. I won't say it. I can't. I can't even say it to someone else's face. I'll just wait for him to ask. While I'm gone he'll find somebody else," Taehyung explained his plan, doing his best not to cry.

"And he'll go on my Instagram... And he'll type 'are we even still dating?'" Those tears would come out soon.

"And then... I-I won't reply and... And he'll think... 'This guy's an asshole. Why was I dating him?'" That one felt like a bus ran into him.

"Taehyung. Stop. You're going to mentally hurt yourself. This is what I mean." Jimin sighed, holding the other close as he silently cried.

"Class, page 246- Taehyung? Are you okay?" Mrs. Chae stepped in and immediately looked at her least favorite student with pink cheeks and teary eyes.

"Yes. I'm fine." He said loud enough for her to hear which was pretty loud since his weaker and shakier voice. Jungkook's eyes lingered a bit longer before he turned around.

Taehyung and Jimin agreed that while it would be a painful leave if they continued, those rules were in the trash. It was like Taehyung was a vampire who needed blood. Jungkook was that blood and while he may have to have a replacement in a while, he needed it now.

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