first.last. XIII

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    Their first night to relax. A little bit of laying back. Jungkook messaged his mom to say he'd be with Taehyung tonight. He'd also checked with Tae's parents who were fine with it, but they obviously gave their son a pack to put under his pillow.

    "Are we moving too fast? Was I too quick?" Taehyung mumbled to himself as he stuffed his face into his plushies.

    "Baby, we can move at your own pace. We can simply go for dates if you want. We can hang out here or leave. It's all up to you. Just tell me." Jungkook smiled, Taehyung nodding.

    "PS4?" Jungkook beamed when he received a nod from Taehyung. The older started to set it up, picking through his games.

"Fortnite?" He asked jokingly.

"I will strangle you." Jungkook threatened with a fist. Taehyung snickered.

"Fine, fine." He put in the disc for JD2018 and pulled Jungkook off the bed.

"What do you wanna start with?" Taehyung asked as the game loaded and he scrolled through the songs.

"Ugh, Just Dance?" The younger groaned.

"Pick a song or I'll hit you."

So, Jungkook went through the songs with an unamused face.

"Dude! This sucks! These aren't even the moves. It's not enough shaking!" Jungkook yelled out of breath.

"At least they added it!" Taehyung retorted, having the crown on his user.

After another few songs ended, they were both taking a sitting break.

"Do you guys need any drinks?" Jin popped his head in with a smile.

Taehyung raised his hand and then put up a two.

"Alright, then."

"Thanks, mom!"

"Sorry, sweetie! Jungkook has to leave!"


"You know the rules. I am not your mom." Jin yelled from downstairs.

"You're sharing one water!" He added. Taehyung groaned. He rested his head on the younger's shoulder and he wished to possibly take a nap even though that never lead to anything good.

"TaeTae, we should at least lay on the bed." Jungkook smiled as he caressed Taehyung's cheek.

    "But I'm comfy." Tae groaned, clinging to Jungkook's arm.

    "I'm gonna go tell your dad we don't need the water. You should sleep." Jungkook pried the older off of his arm and stood up from the seat.

    He ran downstairs to Jin who had a glass of cold water in his hand.

    "On second thought, idea." He smirked, bowing lightly for the water.

    "Don't go too crazy on him!" Jin whispered, followed with a giggle.

    "Promise." Jungkook smiled brightly, then slowly trudging up the steps again.

    Taehyung sat on the bed, his body waving side to side, ready to fall off with eyelids heavy.

    "Alright, how about something more comfortable?" Jungkook said as he unfastened Taehyung's jeans and stripped him of his shirt.

    "No~. I'm too tired..." He mumbled, giggling as he covered his chest.

    "It's like you're high." Jungkook laughed quietly as he picked up a black t-shirt and decided to just leave him in his boxers. He slipped it on him and picked him up on his shoulder.

    Before laying him down, he let him sit on the edge of the bed instead of an uncomfortable 'footrest.'

    "You want water, baby?" He asked sweetly, taking a small swig of the cool water. Taehyung nodded, feeling lips touched his. His head was pushed up, his neck accentuating. Cold water dripped into his mouth, his face feeling hot again.

    "You are insane." He muttered, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him down.

    "Looks like you've wanted this. Why are you so clingy?" Jungkook held the other close, switching their places to lay their heads on the pillows.

    "Mm... You're better than all my pillows. I want to hold something. You help me sleep." Taehyung then made sure they were close as possible.

    "Well then, go to sleep. Goodnight, baby." Jungkook watched as Taehyung drifted off into his slumber.

    Jungkook took some time to properly admire the perfect features in front of him. "For fuck sake we started dating today and I want to marry him." He chuckled in his head. "You're just that perfect."

    Jin slowly peeked into the room, Namjoon right next to him.

    "Are they sleeping?" Namjoon asked, hands resting on the older's wide shoulders.

    He nodded. "And they look absolutely adorable. I just wanna cuddle them both! Aww, my sons~." Jin cooed at the couple, Namjoon rolling his eyes.

    "Don't forget about me, prince." He smiled, dimples showing as he rubbed his nose and Jin's.

    "I didn't, babe. Just admiring the beauty we made."

    "God, what if we put his two perfect genes with someone who also has perfect genes? That's three times the beauty. Imagine it." Namjoon laughed as they shut the door and walked off to their own room.

    Jin was pushed straight to the bed.

    "We always tell them to use protection and yet here you are." Jin sighed with his contagious laugh afterwards .

Bathing in Roses (TaeKook)Where stories live. Discover now