park jimin. XIV

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    Jimin laid in Yoongi's bed which was draped in large me black and grey blankets. His room was decorated with desaturated colors and equipment that all connected to his computer, but Jimin liked it so whatever.

Yoongi went downstairs to grab the two a glass of wine. While Jimin told him immediately that he wouldn't be drinking, no sex for a week is a bit too extra to him.

His phone rung and he looked through the notification.

I want to tell u something but I don't know how you'll respond

Only one way to find out. What's up?

So Jungkook.

Did u 2 have sexxxx????

No. It may happen. But no.

You don't love him or anything? Not jealous?

I have Yoongi. He's the love of my life, okay? Jungkook was an asshole to me.

So u wouldn't be mad if I dated him?

I won't be mad. I will be worried and protective because I still hate him, but I can't stop you if that's how you really feel.

Thank u thank u thank u thank u seriously

👍🏻 yea

Yoongi entered the room, two glasses in one hand and a large wine bottle in the other.

"Who you textin', babe?" He asked as he set them down on the bedside table and popped the wine open.

"Taehyung. Turns out he's dating Jungkook." He mumbled, locking his phone and putting it down.

"The one who made my baby cry?" Yoongi squished the younger's cheeks, cooing at the pouty face he made.

Jimin nodded, then wrapping his arms around the older's neck and pulling him on top of him.

"Baby, let's drink first."

"But then we won't remember anything!" Jimin whined.

"I'm not staying sober." Yoongi shook his head, pushing himself off of the bed and back to the table.

He poured his and Jimin's drinks halfway in the glasses, then handing one to his boyfriend.

"So, tell me about this asshole Jungkook." Yoongi smiled lightly, letting Jimin snuggle into his arms with the TV beginning to run.

"I met him on a dating app. Different one than you. He was my best friend for a while. I probably would have chose him over Tae, who didn't even know he existed." The younger explained.

"We met in real life at a cafe. I purposely bought cheaper clothes and accessories so he didn't know. He told me he would never date someone who thinks they can top him whether it be sexual matters or financially. That's when I learned he hated rich people."

"Where is he from?" Yoongi asked curiously, now completely invested in knowing all about his past competition.

"Busan. It's possible that we'd met before, but we obviously didn't talk. Two years after I moved here he said he was moving in the same area and what school he planned to go to."

"He bragged about how he was actually smart. He didn't consider anyone else. He didn't consider foreigners who learned a new language to come here and learn more. He only thought he was special."

"That's why I am still a bit worried. He asked me why I was in the school but when he saw my report card he learned that I was held back a year and that I was only there from money. We'd been dating maybe a month from online to then."

"Why would you be worried for Taehyung? Jungkook knows he's rich and he's dating him."

"Well, I know for a fact that their relationship is NOT public. Jungkook wouldn't risk that type of reputation loss. I didn't touch my social media for months after we showed each other our faces. He'd find me and tell me I lied."

"But you technically did."

"Shut up. I'm worried because I know that if Jungkook really likes Tae, it'll take him a while till he can be open and I know Taehyung can't handle lying about relationships. We did it once. We were dating in middle school and even then, we broke up because he couldn't handle the lack of publicity."

"He still loves attention, and there's another problem."

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