airplane. XIX

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    Taehyung had his carry on bag and his suitcase was being loaded into the plane. He was slowly walking around the airport with people looking at him. Jin and Namjoon followed close behind him, questioning the face their son's head.

    "I thought he wanted to do this," Jin whispered.

    "We agreed we'd not force him if he didn't want to. Do you think he thought we would?" Namjoon replied. Jin shrugged.

    The family sat in the waiting seats, Taehyung in the middle. He looked around.

    "Alright, let's practice your English." Namjoon smiled, trying to brighten the mood.

    "Hi, I'm Jim. Your name?" The father said in the foreign language.

    "Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you."

    "Are you from here?"

    "No, I'm a foreigner. I'm here for a job." Taehyung said.

    "Good job, kid. I taught you well." Namjoon patted his back.

    "Flight 72, headed for Los Angeles, please get in line to board your flight. First class passengers first, please." The announcement rang through the area. Taehyung took in his breath and pushed himself off of the seat.

    Jin and Namjoon shot up and took the teen into their arms, depriving him of oxygen. "I'm going to miss you guys," Taehyung mumbled softly, plastering a fake smile across his face.

    "You'll see us before you know it, okay, sweetheart?" Jin said with a weak smile, but it was genuine.

    "We'll visit sometime. You can count on that." Namjoon added, letting their son go and watching him slowly walk away with tears in all three of their eyes'.

    Taehyung looked out the huge window that showed the plane and the sky that reminded him that it was only three in the morning. The process of waking up was tough, and not falling asleep in the car was probably the most painful with his eyes being swollen, but it was early and that made it 10x less bearable.

    He heard a distant call, then looking back to his parents, who were looking in the direction of the voice. Jungkook turned a corner to see him as he was leaving, then rushing over as fast as possible.

    "Kook... I have to-"

    "One more thing!" Jungkook panted as he held onto Taehyung's forearm. He retrieved his breath, then pulling the older into a kiss with his arms around his neck.

    "I'll see you in a little bit." The younger said with teary eyes and one last hug. Taehyung wiped the tears that made their way down Jungkook's cheeks.

    "I love you..." Taehyung said softly, as he walked away, bag on his bag and hand out to wave at the group of three people behind him.

    He handed the lady his ticket, bowing and being polite like how he was told. Being professional no matter the place. Tears were still forming. He boarded himself and got into his seat, luckily finding one on the side that faced the airport. He saw those three people in what seemed to be a group hug with their bodies shaking. It felt like he may never see them again.

    The plane took off and he had his face buried in the collar of his shirt as he quietly cried his little heart out.

    The flight had lasted about two hours. Taehyung's breath was calmer and tears were no longer constantly falling from his eyes, but there was still 10 hours left of the torture. He pulled out a small notepad with pictures in the front of everybody he was friends or close to, and then notes of things he remembered or would miss.

A List of Things I'm Going To Miss

Jin, the sweetest dad anyone could ask for (and the funniest)

Namjoon, the most hardworking and promising father anyone has ever known

Jimin, my best friend for so long who knows I will text and snap and post whenever for him no matter what

Yoongi, the one who will keep my BFF happy for forever

Hoseok, the one who hasn't minded my love's attitude for however long and gave me a good word. (Sunshine)

Jungkook, my first <3, my only <3


    Taehyung's eyes slowly poured out tears onto the paper. There were so many more things he missed and they were written on the next page. He didn't even want to look. He knew a few of the things he'd written by memory.

    Jin's weird comments in both real life and online, Namjoon's music bursting from the basement, Jimin's endless talking and weird anime, Yoongi's lazy yet good ramen and Pringles for dinner, Hoseok's promises that were never true, and Jungkook's dancing and complaining. The list went on and on.

    There was a loud crash behind him and there were a few yelps of surprise and whispers following. Outside the window, the plane rocked back and forth, but it still continued.

    "Attention all passengers, please stay calm and tighten your seatbelts. We are going through a small amount of turbulence, but it will not last long." The announcement rung through his ears, but more gasps were released when the oxygen masks dropped from above. The initial shock and fear left Taehyung paralyzed, to the point where he'd passed out.

    The woman next to him noticed as she had already put on her mask, and she slid over a seat as she extended the string around his head and made sure he was properly breathing. She stayed there until the okay was given a few minutes later. She removed her's and Taehyung's, waiting for him to wake up. While she was internally freaking out because this was her celebrity crush, she should stay normal. The rumors about him being forced could be stressful in this situation.

    Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, then frantically checking his surroundings. He was still in the airplane that was moving and he seemed to be breathing, but he didn't know how since he hadn't gotten to put his mask on.

    His eyes traveled to the woman next to him, her eyes watching him as he became conscious.

    "You passed out from the air so I had to put the mask on you. Would be a shame if such a pretty face would have to suffocate." She giggled.

    "T-Thank you...?" Taehyung asked as if looking for a name.

    "I'm Jennie. I should be thanking you for blessing me with your presence." She laughed, as did Taehyung with a flustered face.

    "So, what are you going to LA for?" Taehyung asked curiously.

    "I'm going to work for a music company. I used to be a trainee but this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up!" She smiled brightly, seeming very excited about her new job.

That was until another crash blared through the cabin. Smoke traveled to the windows. And the blue sea seemed to be coming closer.

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