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I ran away from home. I was shocked, scared and upset. After running for such a long time, I stopped. Looking back to check if someone had followed me. No one was there, "I'm safe," I thought. "and alone.." That was when I couldn't take it anymore. I broke into tears on the pavement. I'm so thankful that it was the middle of the night. Or else, people would be giving me weird looks or even worse, think I am a beggar or something. I sat down because I suddenly felt exhausted. After crying my eyes out for a couple of hours, I realized that now I have nowhere to go. No home, no family, no anything.. well, except for school. I still have that. But, I don't think school will help me either. I still have Kira, my school bully, waiting to pick on me or give me a beating everyday, after school. I sighed, "I guess life really hates me. And I'll have to accept my fate. Being homeless, having a bully and no more family." After thinking about it for a while, I have decided to accept my fate and decided to stay here, right on this spot. I suddenly yawned, finally noticing that I am sleepy. "Well, good night.." I said to myself while yawning again and slowly drifting off to dreamland..

??? POV

I was on my way to me and the boys' dorm when I noticed this girl laying on the pavement. She looked like she went through a lot. She looked weak, cold and hungry. I don't know why but I felt really bad for her, so I stopped the car and approached the girl. When I was about to ask if she was alright, I noticed that she have puffy eyes and dried up tears on her cheeks. "She totally went though a lot.." I thought as I gathered up courage to ask the girl if she was alright. When I finally gathered up courage, she opened her eyes and saw me staring at her. She freaked out and stumbled backwards. "Hey, you alright?" I finally said. "I-I'm fine.. why do you even c-care..?" She stuttered. That's when I quickly realized that she was totally not okay. "Because, I'm here to help you." After I said that, she gave me a confused look.

She also examined me for a while until her eyes widened. "W-wait.. aren't y-you Taehyung from B-BTS?" I nodded to her question and gave her a huge smile. "W-what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at your dorm or something?" "Well, I was heading home until I saw you. You looked like you've gone through a lot so I decided to ask you if you were alright. But, when I saw your face, I knew you weren't alright so can you tell me what's wrong?" After I asked that question, she froze. Her eyes still widened and she looked like her mind was about to explode. "I-it's nothing.. just a little accident you know?" She stuttered again. I could tell that she was lying, by the way she said that sentence to the way that she was looking down.

"Hey, come on. Tell me what's wrong. Please?" I gave her a pout and she sighed in defeat. "I-I don't know h-how to explain this to you but.. I ran away from home.." She paused. Her eyes getting teary as she looked up to me. I couldn't take it anymore. I got closer to her and gave her a tight hug. She was shocked for a minute but then, she hugged me back. Not long after she hugged me back, she started crying onto my chest. I couldn't see her like this, I know we just met and all but after seeing her cry and hearing a little part of her story just made me feel like I knew her for a long time and I needed to protect her even if it cost my life. "There there, sometimes you just have to let all of your feelings out you know? So, don't you ever feel embarrassed when you cry alright?" I said, breaking the hug and giving her a reassuring smile. She stopped crying as soon as she heard those words and smiled back at me.

"T-thank you s-so much.. this is why you're my bias in BTS, you're just so caring." I blushed as soon as I heard those words coming from her and looked away. She chuckled and I chuckled back. "N-no problem! I didn't catch your name by the way. So, what's your name?" "I'm Y/N. It's nice to finally be meeting you in person Taehyung." She held out her hand and I gladly shook it. "She's cute. I'll be sure to protect her for the rest of my life." I thought to myself as I smiled at her. But then, I remembered.. she ran away from home.. "I have an idea! I can just take her to me and the boys' dorm! I'm sure Kookie, Jiminie and the hyungs won't mind." I thought again, smiling brightly as ever.

"Hey, Tae. Why are you smiling like that?" She asked as she hit me lightly on the arm playfully. I snapped out of my thoughts and said. "You said you ran away from home right?" She frowned as she looked down and nod. "Well, I'm sure Kookie, Jiminie and the hyungs won't mind if I brought you to our dorm. Especially if you are such a cute girl. The boys would love you." As soon as I said that, her head shot back up with a huge smile on her face. "R-really?!?! A-are you sure they won't m-mind? B-but, I don't want to disturb your privacy." I shook my head and laughed lightly.

"Oh Y/N, you're so polite. Unlike some fangirls, you care about our privacy. But seriously Y/N, you don't have to worry about it. You are too cute for the boys to not accept you. They'll probably already love you as soon as I introduce you to them." She blushed at my statement and looked away. I turned her head to face me and said. "After hearing your story Y/N, I promise I'll protect you no matter what. Even if it cost my life, I'll do it for you. As soon as I saw you, I knew you were different. And I was right, now let's go home Y/N." I let go of her chin and smiled at her, she smiled back and we both went back to the car. "Y/N, I don't know if I can explain this but I think I have feelings for you.." I thought as I started the car and started driving.

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