ᶜᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 4 。 ᴮᴵᵀᵀᴱᴺ ᴬᴺᴰ ᵀᵁᴿᴺᴱᴰ 。

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I jumped a bit when I saw Taehyung's eyes. He then realised that I was scared so his eyes turned back to a brown colour. "I-I'm sorry Y/N.. I didn't mean to scare you.." "It's okay Tae, I might as well get used to it when you guys get angry.. heh.." I said, smiling to lighten the mood a bit. He chuckled and said. "This is why I care for you Y/N, you always know how to make people smile.." I blushed a bit as I hid my face. He saw my action and chuckled again. "Don't do that, let me see your beautiful face." He gently pulled my hands away and gave me a box smile when he saw my face. The boys then came back with a first aid kit and puts it down on the table.

 "Let's get you fixed up Y/N." Jin said as he opened the first aid kit and took out bandages. He then went to the bathroom, got a bucket full of warm water and grabbed a cloth. Taehyung moved away as Jin took his place, soaked the cloth and looked at me. "This is going to hurt a bit.." He then placed the soaked cloth on my skin as I winced in pain. "I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry.." He said as he continued to rub the cloth all over my skin to clean my wounds. After he finished, he wrapped bandages all over my body and helped me sit up. "All done." He smiled at me as he turned to the boys. "Now, let's get onto business. We need to protect Y/N from that girl.. how do you boys think we can help her..?" Everyone thought for a moment until, Namjoon raised his hand up. "I have an idea but.. I don't think you guys are not going to like it.. especially Y/N.." "Go ahead and say it then. I'm sure it's not so bad.." Jin said as he crossed his arms.

 "O-okay.. w-well.. uhh.." I could tell that Namjoon was hesitating to tell the idea so I tried reassuring him. "Come on Namjoon.. tell us.. I don't care if I don't like it.. please.." He stayed silent until, "JUST SPILL THE GOD DAMN BEANS NAMJOON!" Jungkook shouted as he covered his mouth in regret. "F-fine.. fine.. Y/N.. we have to turn you.. to become like us.. in that way.. no one can ever hurt you again. But just in case that Kira girl still approaches you.. let's all register to Y/N's school to make sure she's alright everyday." Namjoon finally spilled the beans making everyone gasp in shock. "T-that might work but.. I don't want to hurt Y/N.. someone else do it please!" Jin said as he looked at everyone. "I'm not hurting Y/N either." Taehyung said as he raised his hands up in defeat. The others literally said the same thing until, "Okay! O-okay.. I-I'll do it.." Everyone gasped and looked at the person who said it. Of course, it was none other than.. Min Yoongi.

 "I'll do it.. but.. I really do not want to hurt you Y/N.. so, if you don't want to get turned.. it's okay.. but we're still registering-" "Shut up Yoongi, it's okay.. you hear me? I told you all that I don't care if I don't like it." I finally said, giving him a bright smile. He sighed and said. "Okay.. let's go to my room and get t-this over with.." Yoongi grabbed my wrist and led me to his room. "See you guys after.." I said waving at everyone before entering Yoongi's room. "Now.. again I'm really sorry Y/N.. I hate turning people honestly.. sometimes t-they don't make it afterwards.. and I like t-to blame myself for letting them d-die.." After he said that, I felt my heart break into a million pieces and felt really bad for him. I approached him and hugged him tightly. "Don't blame yourself for it please.. it isn't your fault.. I promise you Yoongi.. I'll make it." I said softly as I broke the hug. He gave me a small smile and said. "T-thanks Y/N.. now let's get this over with shall we..?" He pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. He then took both of my hands and pinned it above my head.

 "Again Y/N. I'm really super duper sorry.. I'll try to make it as painless as possible okay?" He said as I nodded. He then tilted my head a bit with his head and licked my neck. After licking it, he opened his mouth to reveal his sharp fangs. I gulped as he mouthed another "sorry" before puncturing his fangs on my neck. I winced in pain as I felt a lot of blood leaving my body. But then, I felt new blood replacing the old blood. "Must be vampire blood.." I thought as Yoongi pulled away and licked his lips. "Did that hurt Y/N? I'm so sorry.. I should've made it less-" "Ugh Yoongi, I told you I'll be fine.. I'm just a little sleepy though.." I said as I yawned. "Okay then, that means the transformation worked. I'm so glad I didn't kill you.. now go to sleep Y/N. You need a lot of it because you've been through too much today." I chuckled and said. "Okay okay, don't worry about it.. I'll go to sleep. Good night Yoongi." Soon after, I drifted off to dreamland.

Yoongi POV

"Aish, she looks so cute while she's sleeping. No wonder why the boys like her. But I'll get her first.." I thought as I smirked and left the room quietly to go to the boys. When I found the boys, they all came running to me. "How's she? Is she okay?" "You better not tell me she didn't make it!" "What happened?" "God, will you people just stop asking too many questions? Chill guys, she's completely fine. She's just in my room sleeping, that's all." I finally answered all their questions giving them an annoyed look. "Oh okay, wait a minute.. SHE'S SLEEPING IN YOUR ROOM?!?!" Taehyung asked shockingly to me. I smirked and said. "Of course she is, don't be jealous Taehyung. It's not like you're her boyfriend anyways~" "Grr.. fine." Taehyung said as he crossed his arms. "Okay guys, don't worry about this room thing. We'll figure something out. Let's just focus on registering to Y/N's school. How are we supposed to do that?" Jin asked everyone.

 "Aish, don't worry about that Jin. I got that all under cover." Jungkook said as he called a number on his phone. "Hi XXX Academy, my name is Jeon Jungkook and I would like to register in this school along with my 6 brothers please. You'll allow us? Great! Thanks so much! We'll give you the money tomorrow when we come to the school. Oh, one more thing. Can we be in the same class as Y/N please? Mhm, she's our sister. You'll let us too? Omg, thanks a lot! If you want we'll give you extra money. Yup, I'm serious. You're welcome. Alright bye, see you soon XXX Academy." He hung up on the phone and looked at everyone.

 "Told you all I got it under control." "All I can say is wow. Kookie, your deal making skills had improved a lot." Taehyung said amazed. "Hehe.. thanks. I've kinda practised it more. I'm so tired from today, especially after hearing a girl calling me her 'boyfriend'. Yuck, I need to get that out of my head so.. I'll go to sleep now. Good night everyone." Jungkook said as he headed to his room. Everyone did the same and I followed. I got into my room, quietly go to the bed and stared at Y/N. "Wow, she looks extra beautiful at night. I hope she will be mine." I thought as I got into the bed, pulled the covers over us and said. "Good night.. Y/N.." I drifted off to dreamland afterwards.

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