ᶜᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 2 。ᴹᴱᴱᵀ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴮᴼᵞˢ. 。

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I woke up to a slight thump of the car. I yawned as I stretched my arms and looked at Taehyung. "You're really sleepy are you?" He said as he smiled at me. "Yeah, I guess so.. I'm usually not this tired.. but I guess it's just because of what I've been through." I said as I looked down and frowned. "Hey, look at me. Everything's going to be alright. Especially if you are going to be living with me and the boys." He said as he lifted my chin up and smiled at me. I blushed and looked away, he chuckled at me and shot me a confused look. "Anyways.. talking about your story.. can you tell me more about what happened..? Not trying to be rude by the way.. or if you don't want to talk about it, it's fine." I just chuckled at his silliness and shook my head. "I'll tell you more about it later.. maybe when we get inside.. anyways, let's go inside now! I can't wait to meet the boys!" I said as I opened the car door and skipped happily to the door of the dorm.

Taehyung POV

"Aish, why is she so cute?" I thought to myself as I saw her skip happily to the door of the dorm. Not so long after, I followed her when she suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "T-this.. dorm looks.. AMAZING! OMG!" As soon as she said that, she started freaking out. "You like it huh? Wait until you see the inside of the dorm." I said as I chuckled, pulled the keys to the dorm out of my pocket and reached the door. I then unlocked the door to be greeted with 6 boys sitting on a couch, watching TV. When they heard the door open, they all turned to the door to see me and Y/N smiling at them. They then ran up to me and Y/N and starting throwing lots of questions to us. "Where have you been?!?! We were worried about you!" "Who is this?!" "Is this your new girlfriend?!?!" I sighed as I finally spoke. "Guys, I'll explain. But please, stop throwing me all of these questions. It's giving me a headache." They all nod and stopped asking questions. We all then head to the couch and I started explaining. "So basically, I was on my way to our dorm but then, I saw her laying on the pavement, she looked like she really went through a lot and honestly, I couldn't see her like that. So, I stopped the car and asked if she was alright. She then told me that she ran away from home and I felt bad for her. So, I decided to bring her here. Let her stay with us! I hope you can accept her." I explained while doing a pout. They all nodded and turned to Y/N. "Hi, nice to meet you. What's your name?" Jimin asked. "M-my name is L/N/Y/N.. n-nice to meet all of you too.." She said as she smiled shyly. Everyone smiled back at her. I knew they would like her instantly.


After introducing myself, everyone started talking to me more. I'm so happy that they actually accepted me and Taehyung was right. I'm so happy I met Taehyung. If I didn't, I would be all alone, on the streets right now. Suddenly, someone shook me and I looked up to see Taehyung pouting at me. "You okay?" "I'm fine.. just.. thinking.." "Okay, that's good to know. But, remember..? You said that you will tell me your full story when we get inside. And now, here we are. So tell me." Oh my god. I completely forgot about that! What am I supposed to say? Will they believe me? "Well, there's no way on getting out of this now. So just tell the truth Y/N." I took a deep breath and started talking. "Well, I came home from school today and shouted that I'm back home to my parents.. just because sometimes, they won't really notice me.." I paused as everyone looked at me. "Go on.." Taehyung said with a curious look on his eyes. "B-but then.. th-they, they.. didn't answer me.. s-so I decided to check on them just in case.." As I said this, my eyes got teary and everyone noticed it. "It's okay.. everything's going to fine. Please don't cry." Jin said as he approached me and hugged me.

 "T-thanks Jin.. a-anyways..I went upstairs and opened their bedroom door.. what I saw next shocked me. T-they were there.. laying lifelessly on the bed.. I approached t-them and I n-noticed they had 2 h-holes on their necks.. I thought I was just dreaming because, there was no way anyone could break into our h-house.. but then, I h-heard a thump and saw a shadow of a man.. I then d-decided to run for it. So I did.. and I ended up here." When I finished the sentence, everyone was shocked. Their mouths open and eyes widened. I couldn't take it anymore so, I broke down and cried. All of them approached me and hugged me tightly. "There there, we'll take care of you and make sure no one hurts you okay?" "T-thanks guys.. b-but.. I'm just wondering.. those 2 holes on my p-parents neck.. they couldn't get stabbed on the neck c-could they?" When I asked this question, everyone stood frozen. No one answered me when suddenly Taehyung spoke up. "L-look Y/N, I know this is hard to believe b-but.. your parents were killed by a vampire." As soon as Taehyung said that, I widened my eyes. "N-no way! V-vampires aren't real are they?" Taehyung then sighed and looked at the boys. The boys looked down and nod to Taehyung. "They are real Y/N.. we know because, we are one of those creatures."

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