ᶜᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 15。 ᵀᴴᴱ ᴱᴺᴰᴵᴺᴳ。

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So, I ended up surviving that incident. And to hear that your childhood bully was dead the first thing you wake up is really something else. I mean was she asking for it? Totally. I feel like a sadist but I'm kinda happy she's gone now. My best friends, Mara and Ayden has finally known the full truth. We told them everything as Bangtan told me that they 'accidentally' revealed their red eyes in front of them. It took me by surprise, they were quite cool with it all (opposite to my first reaction) and just made us swore not to drink their blood haha. 

Actually, each and every seven of the boys confessed to me the other day.. together. They were prompting me to decide who I pick cause they said that they fell in love from the very beginning, yet I didn't notice the fairly obvious feelings? Ah, I'm stupid. But, how am I supposed to say this.. I'm extremely indecisive which means even the simplest of choices take more than a few hours. Everyone is so nice and to be honest, I love all of them equally. I saw it as family love before, but after I saw that they genuinely care for me and saved my life? I think of it as romantic. That's it! I can't hurt them, I'll feel guilty.. so they'll all just be my boyfriends. 

In the afternoon, I asked them all to gather up at the living room. "Y/N?" "Guys, please sit down.." "What's this all about?" Yoongi asked as they sat at their respective places. "I've.. I've made my decision already." "Really?! You're quick Y/N. So who's it gonna be?" "Come on, I'm pretty sure it's going to be me as I'm the most gentle." "But I'm the charming prince! No one can resist these visuals!" "No! she loves someone who's intelligent and will help her in every way possible, she's gonna pick me!" "Yah, get in line hyung! I'm the original cause I found her!" I had enough of their nonsense, so I had to yell. "Shut up! You guys haven't even given me the chance to speak. Now be patient!" They were speechless at the sudden outburst but cooperated with my request, I bet they'll be even more speechless when I announce this. "Anyways, as I was saying.. I pick.. all seven of you." "Excuse me, WHAT?!" "I'm sorry but I just can't pick between all of you.. plus, I love you all equally. You don't mind sharing right?" "I mean, it would take a while to adapt and get used to but it'll be worth it if it really makes you happy." "Thank you guys, I love you all so much. Promise me to not fight over me okay?" "That's fine, as long as.. you promise that the time we'll spend together would be equal." Namjoon stated for them all as they looked at me with a pout. "No worries about that!" "Good, now give us a kiss." I giggled at their childish tendencies and ran to all of them giving each a peck on their lips. We had a cuddle session afterwards, my precious babies. Life is good.

You may be wondering, what happened to the rest of the characters? Well, Mara and Ayden finally moved into their own apartment and not long after our dating news had been spread, they shared that the both of them were together as well. I think they make a cute couple, smart and bubbly. No one can beat us though, we're just unique like that hehe. The gun from that day of the occurrence was brought to the police and was discovered to belong to Hong Hyunki. The boys were frightened but mostly angry, I was puzzled so they had just told me that he is a vampire hunter who aims to be one of the greatest. But, to be able to do that.. he has to eliminate the top in the wanted list which was coincidentally BTS. So, I assume that this Hyunki dude met up with Kira who wanted revenge and teamed up then sent her to America? I'm just glad that everyone turned out alright and nothing seriously bad happened to any of us.

 Lastly, we got Kira's gang.. or should I just say her used-to-be minions? After their leader's death, they realized their wrongdoings and apologized to us all. The boys were still kind of pissed but I accepted everything as they look like they're really sorry. They also confessed that Kira threatened them to keep following her cause if they didn't then she would do things to their family. I felt bad for them but they said not to be, cause they're free now! I guess you could say, after that day.. they kept visiting and they became close friends to us! Who knew that after Kim Taehyung found me on the pavement, everything would turn out like this. It's almost like a fantasy dream that I would never want to wake up from. We lived a happily ever after.


This isn't over, I'll be back. Just wait until I get my hands on ALL of you.


The End?

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