ᶜᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 12。ᵀᴴᴱᴵᴿ ᴰᴱᴬᴸ。

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I was sitting on my rolling chair when I heard the door shut, there's a visitor. "Welcome to my base. How can I help you..?" "It's Kira." "Okay Kira, tell me what you want and I'll make the final decision." The girl scoffed and crossed her arms in response as I observed her every movement, she's the cocky type for sure. "It's simple, all I'm asking is for one of your weapons to borrow." "Hmm, it depends.. what are you going to use it for?" She rolled her eyes and glared at me impatiently while I knew that she's not the only one getting angry, my face was turning red but I hid it with an awkward smile. How dare she barge into my hideout without making an appointment and also treating me like garbage? At least have some decent respect. "Oh my god, why are you making everything so complicated?" I couldn't take it anymore. "Listen little girl, I'm only going to say this once. You either talk to me nicely or I'll kill every single one of you in this room, including your followers." My eyes flashed green for a second as they nodded their heads urgently, the smirk on my face growing bigger. "Good, continue on Kira." 

"W-well okay..  I'll need to use it to get my sweet revenge on this pathetic girl named Y/N. She stole some boys from me and I want them to be mine. I cannot express the level of hatred I have on her, she frankly has been my one true enemy." Oh dear, another obsessed psychopath. I cannot make my judgement so soon though, I need the rest of the details to accept her offers. "Tell me, do you want to kill her or just give her some wounds but keep her alive? Also, what are the boys' names? This is important." She chuckled lowly and started manifesting her thoughts. "I want to kill her, not just a quick death.. no. I want to torture her, I want her to feel the pain I have felt all these years. She's always getting it easy so I want to make sure I go hard. By the way, the boys' names are.. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook." I widened my eyes, those names.. they're my most wanted on the list of vampires. "D-Do you mean BTS..?" "Yeah, exactly them! Why ask?" I can't tell her the truth, she's going to freak and break the deal. Kira might be my gateway of being the most successful vampire hunter! I NEED BTS.

"..No specific reason. It's just that they're the biggest boy group in the world currently right?" "Yes! It's amazing how they suddenly popped up to school last week out of nowhere. Although, they were with Y/N.. that girl is always ruining things for me!" I nodded and hummed, I need to think of a plan that will not make me look suspicious.. I GOT IT! Since Bangtan had been hanging out with the girl a lot, I can just ask Kira to bring her to me barely alive. Which will lead to the boys trying to "rescue" her while it is all just a huge trap! Once I got them, I'll give Y/N back to Kira where she could do anything she wants to her. However, I still had second thoughts. Why would 7 vampires stick around to a human girl with zero cravings of blood? Unless.. they must've turned her too! Whatever, I don't need her.. I'll just give Kira my most powerful weapon that could be used to defeat any vampire if used properly. 

"You've got yourself a deal but, I must request for something in return." "What is it? I'll do anything!" This girl is the definition of desperate, I swear. She's perfect though, so naive that she wouldn't know my plans behind her back. "You need to bring the girl back to me, just barely alive. I will not heal her.. in fact, I need to test my new gadgets on her. Extra torture perhaps. After a few days, she'll be returned to your hands and you can use the weapon which I'm about to give you, to kill her." "That's fine with me, as long as I get the last laugh." "Wonderful, now follow me to the weaponry room please." I began to walk but stopped when I realized that she was talking to her friends first. "Girls, just head on home. I don't think it is necessary for you to be here anymore." They agreed, waving goodbye to Kira as they left through the garage. Speaking of the devil, she walked back towards me and we continued our journey to the room.

"Welcome to the weaponry room!" I exclaimed while clapping twice, the lights immediately switching on as the fully weapon-stuffed room got revealed. I forgot to mention, despite being a vampire hunter.. I could describe myself as quite tech-savvy. I mean I do work alone which meant that I had to get all these weapons that I possess by myself, by making them and putting my own little specialties onto it. "Wow, my friend didn't lie when he said that you have a lot of weapons.. all of them look so good to use! Can I choose myself?" She walked around aimlessly while admiring the shiny blades and guns in front of her. "I'm sure you would love to, but I have reserved a particular weapon for your type of situations." "That's fine as well, what do you mean by 'my type of situations' though?" She looked at me curiously as I began to internally panic, "Distract her!" my mind shouted at my body. "Uh.. never mind about that, let's just go to the weapon. Aren't you excited to see it?" "Yeah, come on!" Just as I expected, too unsophisticated to suspect a single thing. We went to a highly guarded door as I punch in the code onto the machine. It opened with ease and the most beautiful weapon was disclosed. It was located in the middle of the room on a stand, smoke surrounding it as a spotlight shone. The scene could be compared to entering a bank vault, where the most precious and rare are secured to be sure that none are capable of stealing them.

 "I call it the 'Farewell', cause anyone affected by it would instantly weaken and has a high risk of passing away." It looked like a simple gun, but wasn't. A lot of technology had been put onto this weapon so it had a great extent of features. The most dominant ones being that it couldn't be detected in metal detectors and being able to look like normal belongings that you would have in your everyday life. Of course, another thing is that the bullets were all made with silver (vampires cannot handle this) and additionally each being filled with venomous liquid. I explained everything to her as she smiled, "This is amazing! I could totally bring this to the BBMAs that they're going to! Well, too bad that it only allows special guests in and normal seats are all occupied. I guess I have to commit my action after.." So, they're going to an award show she says? I don't think she would need to wait then. "Don't be disappointed, I can easily hack my way and enter your name to their special guest list. I can also get you a free plane ticket to and back from America, just remember to go by our deal's plans.. do not go overboard." "You are so nice Hong Hyunki, I won't fail this!" "Yes, you better not or you'll not live to see another day sweetheart."

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