Part 1

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So this is my first story ever. All I have done here on Wattpad is to read amazing stories by others. And some part of me have always wanted to write one of my own, so here it is.
Please read, leave comments and likes😀. No negative words and judging here please. As my mum always say if you don't have anything nice to say keep quite. I hope you guys enjoy it😊.

Laying in bed thinking was all Zana Bert could do as sleep eluded her. She could remember the day it happened all too clearly. But as her late mother always said 'good comes out of every bad situation'. Zana smiled recalling the soothing words of her mother and how much she missed her. She was always a strong tower and shelter of hers. Even though she had lost her mother due to a brain tumor she was glad she still had her Nana with her. At age 62 her Nana was still strong as a 30 year old and still looked as good. She was the epitome of the saying 'black don't crack'.

Zana got up from bed to grab her phone to listen to some music since she couldn't sleep and she still had 3 hours more till it was morning for her to get prepared for work. Being an event planner was the dream she had growing up and she was living it, even though it took a lot of hardwork and perseverance to get here being a black average looking woman and fat.

Finally morning came and it was time to get up and get started on the day. After my shower, I dressed up in a simple floral sun dress with flats. My Nana stopped me from wearing heels because of my condition and I really didn't mind since I didn't like heels anyways. Descending the stairs I could hear my Nana singing in the kitchen as she cooked, the scent of banana pancakes filled my senses and I just had to rush down to have some for breakfast.

" You look good this morning my love, any special clients today?" Nana asked as I reached in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Ohh yes Nana, I'm meeting a client at 9 this morning, she is having a party and she wants me to plan it." I replied brightly as I stuffed pancakes into my mouth.

" Zana slow down or else you will choke" Nana reprimanded sternly.

After breakfast, I picked up my bag and work stuff, gave Nana a tight hug and dashed down the stairs of our house in San Francisco. I could hear her yelling to take it easy and not stress myself due to my condition as I entered my Toyota Camry XLE.

Thirty minutes later, I was pulling my car to a stop in front of my favorite Cafe for my appointment, I checked my watch and realized I was 5 minutes early and I was glad for it. As I entered, I spotted Jose and Franny Philips attending to customers and gave them a wave. I loved those two very much, they were so humble and nice. They gave me my first job ever when I was eighteen, and treated me like family and it also happens that their son was my bestfriend and partner. I took my seat near the corner window and waited for my client.

Few minutes later, an elegant woman in her mid fifties walked in, and I immediately recognized her. Amalia Flemming, one of the socialite of San Francisco. I mean her family was one of the richest in San Francisco owning half the hotels in this city. I had no idea why a socialite would be in a cafe until she took out her phone to call someone. I felt my phone buzzing and reached to answer it. I couldn't overcome the shock I was in when I realized she was the client. I quickly stood up to go to her to introduce myself.

" Hello madam, I'm Zana Bert, the event planner. I'm sorry, I wasn't given your full details, just that I was to meet you here. I really am sorry" I said breathlessly.

" Ohh dear don't worry, I asked Mrs Hugh not to mention my name but just set up a meeting. She couldn't stop praising the event you planned out for she and her husband's 20th anniversary " Amelia replied.
I was taken aback because for a wealthy lady she was as nice as a daisy and I know what I'm saying because I have met my fair share of rich and snubbish.

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