Part 25

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Someone clattering around woke me up from my sleep, I painfully opened my eyes to white ceilings. I scanned the room to see a nurse standing beside the foot of the bed with a mask covering her nose and mouth. I looked over to the couch to check if Alex was still there but it was empty.

"There's no one here except for me and you fat cow." the nurse spat out with disgust.

Wait, what!!! Had the nurse just called me a fat cow?? I didn't understand what was going on here but that voice sounded so familiar. I was too shocked to speak as my mind kept processing what the nurse had just said and why she was behaving in such a manner.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt. You will be dead before you feel any pain." She said to me as she took off her mask.

My heart stopped beating for a moment as I recognized who it was.... Ana Topez. What was she doing here, how did she know I was in a hospital and how did she find me? My puzzled mind tried to come up with some answers.

"What are you talking about and What do you want from me?" I asked frowning at her.

From what she said it was clear she intended to end my life.

"What do I want from you? Nothing fat cow, you have nothing I would be interested in, well except for Alex. So let's not chit chat and waste time here, lets get straight to it" she said with a vile look on her face.

"Why are you doing this, beside Alex is not mine? You can have him all to yourself. But wait, are you on drugs or something?" I questioned.

"Why am I doing this!? Because he chose someone like you over me. He's mine!! Mine and no one else. I thought knowing the truth about what he had planned was going to break you apart. I mean, look at you, what does he even see in you." She paced around the room scratching her left arm in the process like a junky.

She drew out a knife from the waistband of the scrubs she wore pointing it at me. That made me panic for fear of my life. She began to wave the knife around as she raged on about how beautiful she was and other nonsense. Why were the beautiful ones always crazy?

I slowly reached for my phone underneath the covers, careful not to draw her attention to what I was doing. Thankfully, Kyle had brought my phone along with my clothes and had given it to me when he came to see me, it was on silence since I didn't want it to disturb my sleep. She kept on pacing around the room still ranting on about stupid things, I quickly unlocked my phone and dialed Alex's number.

"You b*t*h. Calling for help huh?" She caught me and snatched the phone from underneath the covers, smashing it on the floor and stomping on it before Alex could pick up.

After she accomplished her task she walked slowly towards my bed with a psychotic deranged look in her eyes. She had the knife in her right hand ready to do damage to me. No way I was just going to lay in this bed and let her have her way. I couldn't move or walk properly for the moment due to the fact that I had just pushed a baby out of me not less that eleven hours ago. I removed the IV tube connected to the back of my hand and quickly scrambled out of bed before she could stab me.

I groaned from the pain I felt in my lower abdomen, but that wasn't going to stop me now. I wasn't going to let this psychopathic witch end my life just because she had issues. I had my son to live for now. I was surprised the way I was being cool and unfazed in this matter, I wasn't crying or anything except for the fact that I was a little bit scared. Who knew motherhood would make me this bold and composed in a situation like this, well my son was my motivation so yeah.

"Stay f**king still." She screamed at me from the opposite side of the bed. "You know what, after I'm done with you I'll kill that bastard son of yours too so you two can rest in peace together."

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