Chapter 3

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*****At Party*****

To be honest, I'm not really 'feeling' the party. I feel like such an outcast here. Everyone is either making out, grinding on one an other, or taking body shots.

I shutter at what could possibly be happening upstairs.

Rachel said she would be with me the whole time. It's been 10 minutes since we got to this damn frat house and no sign of her.

It's pretty intimidating here. I don't know anybody, other than Rachel.

I am cut off from my thoughts by someone tapping on my shoulder. I turned around expecting to see Rachel, but it wasn't her, not even close. It was Matthew the pizza guy.

"Hey babe, didn't expect to see you here" he says in his deep voice, kinda sexy might I add.

I blush at the fact that he calls me "babe"

"Yea, my best friend Rachel brought me here. Parties aren't really my thing though." I explain

"Wait, you're friends with Rachel?" He seems surprised. I nod

"You must be Alexis then" he smirks

"Yep, that's me" I smile. I knew Rachel had other friends that she goes to parties with but I didn't know she was friends with Matthew.

"You wanna come sit? Rachel is over there with us" he ask pointing to what in guessing is the kitchen? I don't really know.

"Okay, sure" I continue to smile as he places his hand on the small of my back, walking me into the direction he pointed to moments ago. His touch makes my heart beat quicken. Like how Jace's use to... Ugh

We walk to the large kitchen and stop once we enter.

"Guys this is Amber. Amber this is Carter, Jay, Shawn, Taylor, Jessie, and well you know Rachel" he smiles, pointing to each person as he says their name. They all are covered in tattoos and piercings, like Matt. Not Rachel obviously.

I give a smile and start to walk over to Rachel and Jessie. I know Jessie from my science class, she was my lab partner last semester. I was stopped by Matt pulling at my arm.

"Where are you going" he frowns

"I-I was going to go sit down" I stutter, his action shocked me

"You can sit with me" he winks and I blush

He takes my hand as we walk over to an empty chair at the table everyone is sitting at. He sits down and spreads his legs for me to sit between and I sit.

After about what seems like hours, but was really only like 15 minutes of getting to know each other a tall, dark haired boy walks in. He looks about 6ft. His body covered from head to toe in tattoos. His right eyebrow has a piercing along with the left side of his lip. Besides the fact he has covered his body in ink, I can tell he is attractive. All these guys are actually. There is just something about this one..

"Have fun?" Taylor ask the tall stranger.

"Yea she was pretty good" he smirks and licks his bottom lip, walking over to the fridge grabbing a beer and opening it.

He sits between Taylor and Jessie. He continues to smirk until he sees me. I put my head down quickly and the look up at Matt

"So Matt got yourself a new fucking buddy" he slurs. He's obviously drunk

"No" Rachel jumps, answering for him "She my friend Gilinsky" she scowls

"Oh so she's free" he smirks at Rachel, giving me a wink

"No Jack" Jack Gilinsky. Nice name "She's not your type" she roles her eyes.

"How do you know my type?"

"Because he's pretty and smart and dedicated. While you over here just finished fucking an ugly ass hoe you just met."

He roles his eyes "Whatever" he mutters.

Im just kinda sitting here, awkwardly in between Matts legs. Okay then.

"Alexis? Wanna drink" Jessie ask getting up from her seat, walking to the fridge and breaking the awkward silence.

"I don't really dr-" I was cut off by Rachel.

"Yes she'll have one" she interrupts.

I role my eyes "I can speak for myself thank you very much" I say.

"You need one and you know it"

"Whatever" I say crossing my arm, leaning my back against Matts chest.

She just giggles at my actions

"Here ya go" Jessie says handing me a red plastic cup of cherry vodka.

"Thank you" I say and she nods.


Once I finish my forth drink.. I think it was my forth? I don't know, nor do I care. Anyways.. Yeah I was going to dance with Rachel and Jessie. I think...

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing but I think I'm dancing on somebody?

This is so weird. I hate being drunk my mind keeps going, but I can't do anything about my body. So I just continue to dance, well grind I guess, on this random.

Before I know it I'm hard core making out with this guy on the couch, I still have no idea who he is by the way. My legs are wrapped around his torso and his hands on my back to keep me in place.

"Wanna take this up stairs?" The strange yet familiar deep voice ask

I look up at him a smirk. My eyes are so blurred that I can't make out who it is. "Yeah that'll be great babyyyy" I slur. What?

"I'm glad" he responds, picking me up, my legs still around his torso as he slowly brings me upstairs into large, dark room.

The last thing I remember is his sexy, toned, naked body laying me on to a bed.

That's when I blacked out.

********************AUTHOR'S NOTE*******************

Who did she dance with? What is going to happen next? Who was that and what is going to happen upstairs? Okay okay.. That last question is pretty obvious😏😂

Well I stayed up a long ass time to try and write this so hope you enjoyed 😂💕

I might update tomorrow idrk but yea ila😘





Murica👌 okay I'm done now, enjoy


UPDATE *****

once again. I changed some parts so you'll have to reread the previous chapters once I post the author's note. thanks :))

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