Chapter 5

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All I want right now is to be invisible. I feel so embarrassed for even 'hooking up' with him. Ugh. I honestly have completely blocked him out of my mind since... it happened.

'Please don't notice me. Please don't look this way. Please don't notice me' are the thoughts that run through my mind. I can tell that Rachel and Jessie know what I'm thinking. I can also tell that Rachel wants to go see Matt, but she doesn't. Thank god.

"Hey, don't worry about it. He does this all the time. He won't say anything" Jessie reassures me.

"She's right you know" Rachel comments. I just nod. I still feel kind of uneasy about this whole thing.


After eating my lasagna I have to say I feel a lot more at ease about the whole Jack thing. He didn't even notice us. He was to busy on his phone, but that's a good thing.

"You guys ready?" Rachel ask, snapping me out of my thoughts once again.

Jessie and I nod

"Okay well we gotta make this fast if you don't want them to see us" she continues

We finally get to the door only to be stopped my Matthew. so close.

"Hey babe" Matt says to Rachel and kisses her on her cheek

"I didn't know you were here" He finishes

"Hey. I didn't um know you were um here either." It's so obvious that she's lying, but Matt doesn't seem to notice.

"Oh okay well do you all wanna come hang out for a bit?" She looks at me like she's asking for my approval. I can tell how much Rachel wants to say yes. I sigh and give her a slight nod.

"Yeah that'll be great" she answers

Matt grabbed Rachel's hand and leads her to the long table they all sat at. Jessie and I followed slowly behind them. This is gonna be every uncomfortable..

We get to the table and all eyes are on Rachel and Matt. Well everyone's except Jack's. Why is he staring at me? Why am I staring back? Why do I ask myself so many questions?

"Wanna sit?" Shawn ask me

"Yes please" I respond, breaking the awkward starring contest between Jack and I. Shawn nods.

Unfortunately the only empty seat left is across from Jack.

I sit down and smile at Shawn next to me. He returns a smile

I look up to find jack staring at me with an angry and scared look in his eyes?

"I'm going outside to smoke" he mutters as he leaves the table.

"What's his deal?" I whisper to Shawn

"He just angry" Shawn says softly into me ear.

"But why? Is it me?" Wow I ask a lot of questions outside of my head too huh?

"I don't know.. He's just weird like that" Shawn says

"Oh okay" I say back. Ugh this is so uncomfortable. I just want to leave, but I know Rachel wants to stay here.

"Hey Jessie?" I ask. Luckily she was sitting next to Jack, so I didn't have to yell

"Yeah?" She looks at me.

"Do you wanna go home?" I ask

"You can come back if you want. I'm just tired." I add

"No I'm kind of tired too. Can I sleep at your guy's place. I don't wanna have to walk all the way across campus." She says. Thank god! I'm just ready to get out of here and sleep this thing off.

"Yeah sure no problem." I say with a nod

"Matt do you think you can take Rachel home?" I ask him

"Yeah of course. Do you wanna stay with me at the house?" He answers my question and ask Rachel another

"Sure" she smiles

"Okay see you guys later" I say as Jessie waves goodbye and we walk out the door. We get about half way to car, which was parked in the front by the restaurant, when I spot Jack. He was leaning up against the outside of the building with a lit cigarette in his mouth. I don't know why, but I feel like he knows something..

We make eye contact, but I just shake it off and continue to walk to the car.

*******skip car ride*******

"Thanks for the ride" I say walking through the door of my dorm. Jessie following behind me.

"Thanks for letting me stay the night" she says. I just laugh

"So um you can sleep in j-" I started my sentence but didn't finish

"Alexis? What's wrong?" Jessie ask in a nervous tone

"I forgot"

"Forgot what? Did you leave your phone at the restaurant? I can call Rachel an-" I cut her off.

"No. No. The pill. I never took the pill. How could I be so stupid? look! I never even took it out of the box!" I sit on the floor with my face in my hands.

"What pill?" She ask

"The morning after pill. I never took it. it's been a month! I knew something wasn't right." I begin to cry. What have I done?

"when was the last time you had your period?" she ask

"the week before the party"

"Look at me Alexis" Jessie says while sitting down next to me.

"I know jack. He used protection. maybe you're just a little late"

"I know you're trying to make me feel better but I don't. Bad things always happen to me. I'm doomed." I continue to cry

"Hey" she says in a soft voice

"It's gonna be ok. Wanna go to the store and get a pregnancy test?"

I nod.

*******skip car ride*******

*******at store*******

"Umm excuse me? Where can we find the pregnancy test?" I ask the lady who was restocking the shelves.

She looks us up and down. I'm not in the mood to be judge at the moment.

"aisle 4." She answers with a voice of discuss

"Thanks" Jessie says sarcastically as we begin to walk to the aisle .

We grab the test and quickly make our way to the cashier. I just wanna get out of here already.

"Jesus really? Alexis we gotta get out of here now" Jessie says, paying the lady the money and rushing me towards the door with the bag in her hand

"What? why? What's wro-" why does this keep happening to me?

"Alexis. What's in the bag?" He ask

"Uh.. Tooth.. Um.. Paste... Toothpaste." I stutter.

"Wait why do you care?" I add

He begins to walk over to me and takes the bag from my hand.

"Wait Jack" he's so disrespectful

"This is what you call toothpaste?" He says pulling out the test. Oh no

"Uhh.. yes?" I don't know. How am I suppose to respond to that?

"So you're pregnant?" He ask with basically no expression.

"I might be. That's kind of why I went to buy the test." I say and then snatch the bag back from him

"Well let's go then" he says walking to his car

"What?" I'm confused

"Back to your dorm. To see if you're pregnant. I'll follow you guys in my car." He responds then gets into his car.

UPDATE ******

made some more changes. don't forget to reread the story after I post the author's note (: thanks xx

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