The New Voice Actress

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Joey's POV

Its been awhile... Everytime in every day I don't get to see Henry's letter, I grew worried. 'I hope he's okay' I thought as I continue signing on some papers before sighing.

Then there was suddenly a knock on my door as Sammy's head peaked in.

"Hope I'm not botherin ya or anythin but there's a girl outside the studio and she said that she wanna see you" He said. I was confused but I nodded anyway.

"If you don't mind, can you please bring her here?" I asked as I stacked the papers that I was done reading and signing as he nodded and closed the door.

In about fifteen minutes, there was a knock on the door and a muffled voice of him telling me that the guest is here.

"Let her in" I said as I straightened up my posture as the girl walked in.

She have a pale and a ever so slightly tanned skin. Her eyes is a deep brown that you could've mistaken for black in first glance. A deep pitch black hair that goes up to her elbows. She's wearing a short overalls with a black shirt and a pair of flats. She's carrying a black leather body bag thing. And over all, she's pretty short. I'd say she's pretty childishly cute. I cleared my throat as she looked around in curiosity and wonder.

"How may I help you miss?" She looked a little startled then nervous after I spoke.

"O-oh! W-well uhh..I saw that you're hiring a voice actor on the n-newspaper and I called to the number that was given or more like written in there but no one picked up s-so I just came here instead! I-I hope I'm not bothering you..if so..sorry" the last part was pretty much a sheepish whisper.

"Ah yes, we are hiring! Er sorry if no one answered you, things are pretty busy in the studio, and no I don't mind at all..what's your name miss?"

"O-oh! Right! How rude of me, my name's Patricia Abenir..sir" she told me

"We haven't gotten the character yet exactly since my partner insisted on creating her, and he's pretty quite the miles away so we're gonna have to wait. Is that okay with you miss Patricia?" I asked

She nodded happily. We talked for a bit and I got to know her better. Now all we need is to wait for Henry..

Lol sorry its short but hey, it's something!

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