She's out and About!

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Joey's POV

She's done! Henry sent me a letter of approval and now she's done! Alice loved her, and so as the others, especially little ol Patty.

We've done a few episodes but we haven't aired them yet. We might make a full on movie but that'll take months!

I've also created her in the ink machine. She's a little sticky on the rim but she managed and Alice and her we're bestfriends! And it's cute how she's smaller than Bendy by a few inch. Everyone adored her.

Patricia did a good job on her voice. Tho today she called in sick so we're gonna have Y/n do her own voice.

I've called in Susie and let her on the studio and told her she could go back to Alice but only on songs that would need assistance. She also would have to help the others for the 'lady' voice since we don't have that much actresses.

I'm surprised that even Susie seems to like Y/n. She'd be a little bossy, but she treat her like her little sister.

Y/n only been here for a week. But man that hybrid is surely up and about.

Though I have NO idea why she sleeps a lot. Is she also maybe a hybrid of a cat? I definitely need to ask Henry about this.


I've only been alive for who knows how long! But golly o' gosh its been so fun! I get to play with a lot of people, but its hard for me to remember their names.

I'm playing with the cartoon crew and I'm it for hide and seek. And lemme tell ya, Bendy's a legend at this game! He's so cool!

"Oh Bendyyyy~ where did you gooo~?" I called.

I saw Sammy in his office so I decided to skip along and ask.

"Hey Sam! Have you seen Bendy anywhere? I can't seem to find him" I asked on the small open window thingy, using my wings to lift me up

"Nope" was the only thing he said as he sorted out all of his music sheets.

I heard a quiet snicker of him and rolled my eyes. Then I saw Alice and Boris walk towards me and I suddenly got a brilliant idea and motioned for them to keep quiet. I also saw Sammy smirk a little.

"Oh no! Boris don't eat all of the cookies! We haven't found Ben-ben yet! Oh golly Boris! What have you done! You ate them all! Oh no!" I said as the others got the message and started to quietly snicker. Sammy tho on the other hand, looks like he's about to explode.

"BORIS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? YOU DIDN'T LEAVE SOME FOR ME? HOW COULD YOU BRO!?" Bendy jumped on the window thingy and scared the ink outta me.

What I saw is definitely hilarious and worth it tho. Ben-ben looks like he lost all of his ink! And so we all started laughing.

He got confused and then started to laugh too. Sammy is banging his hand on his desk wheezing. We all had a great time!

Sorry its short but hey! I'm back! :D
But I'm not gonna update that much tho. School's still botherin the fuck out of me.

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