Chapter 2 - A Hidden Power

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Goku was up early the following morning, awaiting Goten's word that he was ready to get back to training. As much as he didn't want to push his youngest son, he was very interested in the power the boy was demonstrating, and he wanted to see more. He felt that pushing him was sometimes the only way he could find that power. Each day he trained with Goten brought new glimpses into his already massive power. He hadn't had the need to train as Gohan had for several enemies, and had lived his early life in peace, but Goku was certain he would have easily surpassed Gohan if he had received the training his older brother had.

Chi Chi made her way into the living room, where Goku was sitting on the couch. Videl and Gohan had gone back to Videl's place for the night, and Goku had Goten all to himself. He smiled as he thought of what the new day of training would bring, but he was snapped out of it instantly as Chi Chi slapped him across the face; hard. Goku was sent toppling off the couch, landing hard on the floor, nursing his cheek that was red and burning.

"Ow, Chi Chi what in the world was that for?!"

"You're thinking about taking Goten out to train again today, aren't you?" Chi Chi folded her arms, looking away from Goku defiantly.

"Well... Yes." Goku replied simply, never being one to lie to his family.

"There is no way you are taking him out again, he needs to rest!"

"But Chi Chi, you don't understand-"

"I understand perfectly! I understand you want our youngest son to have nothing else in his life but fighting and food, just like you! Well it's NOT happening."


"I said no!"

"But you really don't understand..." Goku mumbled, looking away.

Chi Chi looked to him, and he knew he had her, for a moment at least. He needed to explain to her what he was doing, and hope she would let him. She stood there, awaiting his response.

"Fine, tell me then."

"Goten has an incredible amount of power. I mean, really incredible. As in, he could've handled Majin Buu alone if he'd been trained up a little. I don't know how to explain it, but I can feel a power inside that boy that exceeds anything I have ever felt. "

"M-Majin Buu? But Gotenks couldn't even beat him, how would my little Goten do it alone?"

"Because he has a power that's laying dormant inside him. If we can awaken it, there's no telling how far it could go. I know I said the same about Gohan, and he had the same sleeping power within, but it was nothing like Goten's. Please, Chi Chi. Gohan is off going to school and studying, can't I train Goten? He loves it."

"Do you really mean that? You really think he's that strong?" Chi Chi asked.

Goku nodded.

"I know he is."

"Alright then. But Goku, PLEASE try to go a little easier on him. He's just a child. I don't want him to get hurt..."

"Okay, okay. I promise I won't push him too hard." Goku exclaimed, jumping up.

"Goku!" Chi Chi yelled as Goku ran towards the stairs. "Don't wake him up now! It's too early, he needs to rest, and I mean that. I've agreed to let you train with him, but don't take it too far or I'll give YOU some training to remember."

"Okay, I'll wait 'till he wakes up."

~a bit later~

Goku heard a noise as he sat on the couch watching TV. His excitement growing, he turned to see Goten coming down the stairs. He was bandaged up and didn't look his strongest, but he was dressed and Goku knew he was ready to fight.

"Alright! Hey son, you ready to go again?"

"Yeah, dad!" Goten smiled.

Together, Goku and Goten took off for the forest to train. Goten hadn't fully recovered from the day of training before, but to Goku's surprise he was as fast as he himself. Running through thick brush, jumping over logs and rocks and dodging trees, the father and son duo made it to a safe distance from the house, making sure they wouldn't harm Chi Chi or their belongings. They found a nice rocky area in the middle of the forest, and decided it was perfect. Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan, nodding to Goten to do the same.

The little boy powered up very fast - faster than Gohan ever could until he versed Cell. His black hair spiked up and turned golden, and a gold aura appeared around him. His eyes turned blue and he smiled to Goku, ready to go.

"Hey Goten, let's see if you can catch this. Get ready."

Goten nodded, and Goku cupped his hands beside him, drawing out his deepest energies that laid within him. He brought that energy to the surface, just as he had many times before, and a ball of blue energy appeared in his hands.

"Ka-me-ha-me.... HAAAAA!"

Goku released the energy into a Kamehameha wave, sending it flying towards Goten. He let out a wicked scream as he threw it, putting everything he had behind that wave. Goten prepared himself, and stretched his arms out to catch the powerful blast. It made contact with his hands, and it was too powerful, pushing him backwards into a rock. But he held his own and stopped at the rock, pushing back on it for strength. The rock cracked and shattered, sending shards flying everywhere as the powerful energy wave pushed Goten into it. He went flying through the rock eventually as it gave out, but did his best to slow the blast down.

As the last of Goten's strength gave out, the boy became overwhelmed by the blast and was consumed by the power. Goku could see in the distance the boy's clothes being shredded by his energy blast, and wounds being opened. But he didn't stop. He knew there was a power hidden deep within Goten, and he had to find it. He screamed louder as he pushed more energy into the blast.

"Dad, stop!"

Gohan's voice made Goku hesitate. He didn't stop the blast though, and he turned his head as Gohan and Videl appeared beside him. Videl was watching Goten being blown away by the Kamehameha in shock, as Gohan tried to reason with his father.

"Dad, please. He's just a child, you'll kill him!"

"Gohan, just trust me."

"But Dad..."

"Trust me, son."

Goku pushed a little harder, and everybody turned to face Goten as they felt his power level begin to rise, and heard his little voice begin to scream over the sound of breaking rock and the raw energy flying through the air. Sparks began to form down around the end of the wave, and Goten began screaming louder. Suddenly, Goku's Kamehameha wave was blown apart, and the wind caused by Goten powering up broke directly through the middle of the energy wave, right to Goku's hands, knocking him backwards as the Kamehameha vanished. Gohan and Videl gasped, and Goku looked down to Goten, who was standing there, his arms by his sides, in fighting stance.

His arms were hanging beside him, injured. His clothes had been torn to shreds - the top of his gi totally ripped off and the long sleeve shirt half ripped away. His pants were torn at the knees, and Goten was covered in blood, panting hard. But the interesting thing was his hair. It was spiked up even more than before, and his fringe had become even more pointed. His Super Saiyan aura glowed brighter than anything Goku had ever seen in such a young boy, and there were sparks cutting through the air around him. Goten had one eye closed as blood dripped over it, and he began to shake as the effort of standing up became too much.

"He's a..." Gohan began, too surprised to continue.

"No way." Videl added.

"He can't be," Gohan continued, "he's really a-"

"A Super Saiyan 2." Goku smiled triumphantly as the newly reached form drained the last of Goten's energy and he fell forwards, passing out.

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