fears and wishes.

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she doesn't want to be scared.
she wants to look at you with so much adoration.
she wants you to care and adore her for who she is.
all she wants is to bring happiness and positivity into the world.
she's sensitive and caring about nature.
she prays for your successes and never your downfalls.

she's understanding, confusing but loving.
her arms are like the gates to paradise.
her eyes sparkle like diamonds before she cries.
she never wants to cry in front of you...
her consideration is what she always tries to give.
pushing her away only causes her to overthink more.

her worthiness is more than you'll ever imagine.
she's a woman. of power, of love.
she's down the earth, and she wants to hold things down for you.

don't try to hurt her.

sometimes she downs her sadness with alcohol,
staring at the night sky to gain closure.
she wonders if it's her that's the problem.

she can never understand clearly about love,
she always falls for great man,
but it's always a storybook as to what happens.

she ends up alone,
but she feels alone is a great cause for her,
to understand better,
than to go back to love instantly, Head first.

her drunkenness makes her happy,
she finally feels free and alive that way.
she can enjoy and laugh more.
she can dance in delight more.

everyone's eyes are on her more.
she understands about herself more,
that way.

it's not an addiction,
but it's a sense of ease for her.

no one can adore as she wants them to.
it's always a can't.
and she believes it's a never.

she doesn't fear of hurt when trusting a man,
she doesn't fear of pain when trusting a man,
she fears of them not understanding,
that she's the most caring.

she fears of them not being patient.
she fears of them not understanding who she is.

she wishes for adoration.
all she wants is for someone to hold onto her.
all she wants is to be seen when he walks in the room.

-Yasmine Phelps

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