17: Great First Day

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The sound of my phone ringed in alarm. I woke up with a sore body, every corner of me aching in pain. I recalled last night, the punishment that I thought would end in satisfaction but nearly destroying me. How much I pleaded to be saved with every bang, the night was long and almost never ending. Not a single moment of love was made last night.

Near his fourth orgasm he fell asleep, no words, no gesture to comfort me. Only a snooze.

Just devastating.

I had work today, first day of work at Lotte. I peeled off the bed and expected him to be gone. And he was.

After washing myself up and feeling slightly energized, I gathered my things to leave the house with the uniform that was given. Every step resulted in a throbbing pain.

I left the apartment, remembering the numbers to the passcode that Jungkook gave me yesterday when we moved in.

The nearest convenience store was only a few steps away, I looked in my purse with the few bills that I had left. I grabbed a pain reliever and a steam bun to only fuel me momentarily.

Leading up to the bus, Lotte wouldn't be too far according to the map at the bus stop. I focused my mind on work, that's what I needed to do, being busy would help me.

The wide building finally arrived, I hopped off the bus cautiously as the pain was still stirring. I held my purse and glanced at the architecture, breathing in and out calmly as I reached the entrance.

Hundreds of shoppers filling the mall, I wasn't sure where I was supposed to meet my supervisor. I walked up to the help desk for any possible information.

A man in a cool colored uniform looked up to my attention, "Hi, I'm a new employee. Where do I find Mrs. Kim?"

"New employees are meeting all the way back of this floor to your right near the restrooms you'll find the break room."

"Thank you." I bowed.

"New employee what's your name?"


"I'm Jackson, nice to meet you." He smiled.

I bowed and followed his instructions of finding the meeting place. 'Break Room' an arrow was pointed. My small heels clicked along the floors, I fixed my skirt and secured the bun on my head as I entered the room.

The room was filled with individuals in similar uniforms with both men and women. I glanced at the time, a few minutes till work would officially begin.

Others seemed to be placing their items in a locker, I did the same with my belongings. I added my name to an empty locker and placed my items securely.

"Attention." A loud voice spoke.

"We will be starting training today as your first day so please make sure to understand all the policies." A lady in a tight bun addressed aloud, she was the same lady who accepted my résumé.

Straightforward tasks such as folding clothes and greeting customers timely was demonstrated. After possibly two hours of policy and procedure, they spilt us into groups calling out our names in which department we would be working in.

I was relived once at the end of the course they gave our name tags to clip on. 'MARI' was spelt out. It made me excited to see such a simple template on me.

"Kim Yuri."

"Park Seojun."

"Lee Mari."

"Lee Eunwoo."

"In the men's clothing department."

L-Lee Eunwoo?

My mind froze, please don't let it be her I prayed. I gathered with the others in a group as a supervisor was to guide us.

From the corner of my eye, walking in slow steps with her arms crossed in a despicable manner, she joined the circle.

I looked up in her direction since I had no choice but to.

"Hi cuz." She waved and had the courage to smile.

A/N: Remember Eunwoo? Mari's cousin:/.

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