Same old same old

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Hey I'm Cole and I'm well I'm boring im 18 and I work a dead end where house job I got a little girl on the way and I got a loving girlfriend I'm great full for all I have here in the real world but at the end of the day I'm just another cog in the great machine of life.

"You awake in there" a chipper light hearted voice of a well built bicker asks me as he sat down at my table in the smocking airer at work.

"Oh, hey Chris sorry didn't see you there I was in another world." I answered as I came out of my dase. The hairy bickers name was Chris I've known him since my first day on the job he's a bit intimidating when you first see him but inside he's just a plain old soffit.

"I know the feeling. Can't wait till tomorrow LT is holding another avent it's going to be sweet 😀 huha, Hagar is coming LT Hagar is coming." LT stands for Lorien Trust it's a large larp hosting festival where fantasy lovers one and all come together to play make believe, In that world my pal Chris here is known as Hagar the mighty Viking of wolf kin blood.
"Wait that's tomorrow. Arg I completely forgot I still haven't finished my sword 😦" I let out an irritated moan and slump in my seat. I can't believe I forgot I've been planing this for weeks 😧.

"Don't worry there's time I got your week holiday bucked in your good to go just come mine after work and bring your sword I'll help you finish can't have Gelmir Un armd at his big unvaling the pack is going to love you." Chris says placing a reasserting hand on my shoulder. FYI Gelmir is my larp posonas name.
"Thanks Hagar what would I do without you."

"Probably die horribly at the hands of a beats." He says with a happy smile.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence there buddy".

It's midnight as I walk down the rode to Chris' house. Supplies on my back and sword hilt in hand the foam blade still needs constricting. We have a game we play when it comes up to larp where our imagination takes hold and we see monsters every well almost once an hour you must slay a monster on the days leading to larp and my hour was almost up, all I have is a short dagger and the hilt of a sword.... this is going to be messy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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