"Goodmorning kitten, i hope you slept well" he said and i instantly new it was him again. I quickly turned on the lamp on my night table beside my bed.
"johnson?" i said with a slight whisper in my voice.
"thats right kitten i hope you arent too frightened. I know we were never on the best terms but i have to be here anyways" he said with a cocky smirk.
"why are you here" i asked
He replied in a low voice "i told you i have to be"
i was so curious and confused is he the one that saved me that night and didnt leave his name?
As if he could read my mind he cut my thoughts off when he said "i saved you from your brothers beating you and i took you to the hospital"
It made my heart flutter i wanted to Hug him and say thank you but i decided i to say "thank you but why you hate me and if you have to be here then i dont want you to" i did not let him get too confident and in control. He can not have that control over me. If he has to be here i dont want him here i want him to want to be here not just have to be!
"im here not just because i have to be but because you need me here to protect you" he said.
"why do you keep saying that why do you need to 'protect' me!? Protect me From what!? " i realized i raised my voice at him and i saw a flicker of irritation in his eyes.
"i am not allowed to tell you that. You are not allowed to know what i have already told you but i cannot stop you from figuring it out on your own" he said and gave me a wink as if he were breaking rules by being here. It is like he wants me to figure everything out on my own like a puzzle to solve so he wont be in trouble or something. All i said was "ok" and then he vanished sharp and persice out my window.
I will definitely be getting down to the bottom of this and figure out more about him too.

RomanceThe blood dripped onto the floor infront of me. Dripping so much from my arms, legs, and face i was starting to become dizzy. It pooled around me as I could feel myself becoming cold.