The voices in my head kept telling me to Run. It seemed that the faster i ran the faster i was losing. I ran and ran as far as i could. I finally reached a cabin hidden in the woods that is 2 miles from the forest i love to visit. It was pointless. Im playing a one sided game of hide and seek.
Branches were breaking, leaves were rustling, and the wind was howling. It is dark. Pitch black outside. I can't see a thing. Im scared and clueless. I searched the small cabin for a place to hide after i baracaded the door and the windows. There was no where to hide in this tiny cabin. I ran to the only bedroom and hid under the bed like a child laying on my stomach. I heard banging on the door. I didn't move but my body shook with fear.
I heard it again. It stopped. I felt a small bit of relief flow through my body until i heard a louder crash and bang sound that followed. I layed there paralyzed by fear. I was so scared. I heard footsteps. They came closer and closer. I saw them. The big black boots standing at the end of the bed in front of me. He is here. He is going to get me.
Dont move. Dont move, just dont move hold your breath. I told myself.
I screamed. I was being dragged from under the bed by my feet. He dragged me. The man slung me over onto my back to face him and suddenly before i could see his face i woke up with a start and scream. My heart was pounding. My blood was pumping through my veins and i felt the fear and adrenaline pump through me.
"Whats wrong!?" Johnson asked as he held me while i screamed. I calmed down slightly "it's ok it was only a dream kitten"
My breathing slowed. I calmed down. It was hot. I was sweating. What happend? I asked myself.
Then i answered myself i just had a nightmare it's going to be alright.
I looked up at Johnson as he held me in his arms. He looked at me with a worried expression. "im ok now i have you it was just a bad dream" I told him. I was not going to fall back asleep anytime soon so i sat in his arms until i got hungry and decided to make us breakfast. Its only 4:00 in the morning but id rather spend time cooking with him than risking a dream like that again. It seemed so real and familiar it scares me. I guess for the rest of the day ill spend it with Johnson. I looked over and smiled at him. He smiled back and came closer. He wrapped his arms around me and gently kissed me. My body heated up and shivers went through my spine he makes me feel amazing and alive. I feel safe in his arms even though the scary reality is he could turn on me in an instant and kill me if he wanted to.

RomanceThe blood dripped onto the floor infront of me. Dripping so much from my arms, legs, and face i was starting to become dizzy. It pooled around me as I could feel myself becoming cold.