The Ball

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"WILL YOU HURRY UP?" Selena calls from her living room, I can hear her own dress swishing as she paces around the room.

"GIVE ME A SEC," I yell back, I zip up the last bit of the dress, I turn and see the gown in the full-length mirror.

"I'M COMING IN," Selena calls and opens the door to her door turned my studio. She stops dead in her tracks. "Damn, Jewels, you look killer," she tells me. "Do a spin," she tells me.

I do a small turn, the dress wrapping around me as I do so.

"It looks just like the sketch," I say, I look to Selena and smile. "You got the masks?" I ask her as I observe my makeup, making sure none of it is smudged.

"You don't need to check your makeup, Jewels," Selena tells me, holding out the red mask to me. It's lace and only covers half of my face, but it's enough to conceal my identity. Since I am no longer a Mitts employee or even stepdaughter to Claire Mitts, I have been banished from her little world. Or so Claire thinks. I was the one who had to plan all of the ball. I had to pick the curtains, pick the tablecloths, the food, music, and send out all the invitations. Selena, of course, received on, and every guest is allowed a plus one guest.

I am Selena's plus one.

I fasten the mask on and turn to look at Selena, her own gown, one she designed, a long pale taupe number with gold streaks down it, an access piece of fabric lays over her right shoulder. Her mask is just the pale taupe color, fasten like mine. "You look good, Sel," I tell her and she bows.

"Thank you, the designer is very proud of her work," she teases as she stands back up. I giggle at her and she smiles. "Are we ready?" Selena asks me and I hesitate. I finished the dress and have gotten into it, I'm wearing makeup and the mask. The invitation is in Selena's clutch and cab will be easy to catch. Even with all these things in place, I still can't but feel unnerved. I am not supposed to at this ball, I am a not allowed in this world anymore, but here I am squeezing my way back in.

What if I see Justin?

We see him, not much else.

What if he tries to talk to me?

He won't.

What if he's there with someone else?

I wish him happiness.

What if that someone is Alexis?


I was told to meet them at the penthouse at seven, now it's nearly eight and I'm still sitting on this rock-hard couch. Alexis is getting her makeup re-done, for the third time. Claire has already left and is waiting at the venue to greet the guests. I check my watch, It's 8:05, still too much time. I begin to bounce my knee, shaking the little coffee table, I should just leave. Not being able to stop my leg from bouncing, I stand up and begin to pace. I am not pacing in anticipation, I am pacing because my patience has worn through. I walk out of the living room and begin to walk around the place, I pass by what I suppose to be Alexis' room, the door cracked and the sound of the makeup artist asking "Is this okay? Maybe this? How about this?" drips from the crack.

I keep walking, I walk past what must have been Alexis' twin's room, Emily. At dinner when I asked where she was Alexis became quiet, Claire told me that Emily moved out, decided that they weren't good enough for her anymore, and left.

I turn the knob on the door and push open it open. The room is dark, but with the large window and the bright skyline, I can see how the bed is unmade. Two doors are left ajar, I walk towards them and nudge them open, it's Emily's closet. A closet is an understatement. The room is bigger than my childhood bedroom, each wall is either clothes, shoes, jewelry, or accessories. A lot of the hangers are left bare, only expensive dresses, shoes, and almost all of the jewelry and accessories are left. I leave the closet and suddenly feel cold. This room doesn't look like someone decided to leave because they wanted to, it looks like they were forced to.

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