Choking, Riding, and Flowers

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Justin and I watch the rest of Ocean's 11 after giving me a mind blowing orgasm. His arm slung lazily around my shoulder, giving me a kiss on the cheek every now and again. Every second that passes, I feel relief stitch itself deeper and deeper into me. I can't remember the last I felt like this, this relaxed.

Maybe it was the orgasm you so openly let him have? I hear my conscience snark while tapping her foot. I scrunch up my face at my own mind criticism and Justin must have noticed, kissing the corner of my eye, making me look at him. He then leans in and kisses right between my eyebrows.

"Though it's adorable when you frown, I hate to see you do it," Justin mutters and repeats the action, his thumb rubbing my arm. I give him a tight smile then yawn. I look at the clock underneath the TV and see that it's almost two in the morning, I suddenly feel my lids become very heavy. I lean my head against Justin's shoulder and I feel his lips press against my hair.

"Go to sleep, baby, it's okay," is the last thing I hear before I fall into a deep sleep.


I'm sitting at my work bench, the studio feels like a million degrees, but New York is covered in snow. The heat makes it hard to breath, I pull at the top of my shirt to fan myself. I hear the crackling of the intercom, "Julia, you're needed upstairs, now." Claire's frigid voice sounds ghostly over the speaker, but I head up anyways.

There's no one else in the offices, no designers, no interns running back and forth. Reaching the elevators there's a sign on the doors that reads, "OUT OF SERVICE". I head towards the stairs and walk up the flight to Claire's office. Her waiting room is trashed, when I was in the studio below, the light outside was bright and cool, the light on Claire's is heavy and hot.

The waiting room has chairs thrown around and toppled over, James' desk is turned over and the computer lays next to it, completely fine. I knock on Claire's doors and she opens the door, she smiles at me, but her mouth curls too much to be real.

I walk into her office, the couch that usually faces the door now faces the windows which is painted in oranges and red. The temperature of room is the hottest in the building, all the heat from below must be swelling up here. I notice that the curtains are on fire. "Alexis, could you please?" I hear a voice call, turning around and realize that the unfamiliar voice was Claire.

Her voice was squeaky and too sweet to belong to anything halfway real. Claire's smile becoming less and less human. "Of course, mommy," I hear Alexis' clear voice say and I turn to face her and she stands right in front of me.Standing in the red dress I had designed and on her left hand is giant rock of a ring and clinging on her right arm is, "Julia, meet Justin, my Husband." I look up and see Justin's face.
Or at least that's what it's supposed to be. Justin looks like a wax figure and with that thought the Justin before me begins to melt and run all over Alexis's dress. Alexis screams at her her puddle of husband and her ruined gown. She turns her eyes to me and grits her teeth. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT," Alexis' screams at me and I shake my head.

"N-no, it wasn't," I tell, but I can't hear my voice. The flames from the curtains are licking up the wall and I can't help but watch them. I feel Alexis' claws dig into my left cheek.

"YOU, YOU DID THIS," Alexis' screams at me again and I deny her again, but my voice gets lost in the roar of the flames. I turn around and head for the door, but the door is locked. I turn back around and nobody's there. No Claire, no Alexis, no puddle of Justin on the floor.

Just me and the fire.


I wake up covered in sweat and in a bed that isn't mine. I look to my right and see Justin looking at me with concern, his hand on my arm. He must've been shaking me awake. "Are you alright, Julia?" he asks me and I nod my head, but then quickly shake it. I wrap myself around Justin like a vine, and hide my face in his neck.

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