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     My name is Leonardo Sutton. I am eighteen years old. I've had one hell of a life. Where do I even  begin? Now, you may be thinking, what do you mean? Leonardo is a normal name. Well, it is, I guess.  My friends call me Leonard, and my closest friends, if I ever have any, would call me Leo. It's been a while since I heard someone call me Leonardo. The last people that called me Leonardo were me mum  and pop. And the last person I gave permission to call me Leo was my wee lil babe sister, Jennifer. Some  people feel like they get to say Leo without my permission. So last time being call Leonardo was about... seven years ago? Jesus, it has been seven years since they died.... Deep breath, forget about it, forget about it... ANYWAY, that is a story for a later time in this story.

    First, a little more about me. I have brown, sleek hair that I keep at a medium length and I gel it back when I am Leonard. I have piercing emerald green eyes, the kind that have seen things and have coldly challenged death. My face is freckle and dimple free, so that already makes me unattractive in normal standards. I would say I'm rather handsome, with a vibe of mysterious bad boy, if I may say so myself. I'm an average male height at about 5'10'' (I don't care about the metric system because 'merica, so deal with it). I may look and seem like a normal everyday person, but I'm not, and I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. If you were to truly see me, you would see something... misleading. It may be my good looks, or my odd friends. Most likely, it is my alter ego.  

    So, most people know me as the villain, Knifeslinger. Now that is when I have my hair minus gel, free to billow in the wind and have the ladies swoon. I have silver colored eyes  that watch the underground with such an intenseness that I demand respect from wannabe villains. I can change my eye color by command (years of training to master my body), thus the change in eye color. I wear a hood sown to a tight fitting flight suit I stole from an Air Force Pilot and redesigned to my needs, along side a Mr. Incredible mask that is more... sinister. In costume I stand at my true height, exactly 6'0". How am I taller as a villain? When I am Leonard I slouch and compress my spine ever so slightly. A Clark Kent Maneuver, if you must.  

   I am this super human/genius/knife throwing villain, once the most feared villain in the world. But knowing most of the crimes I have committed, I prefer the term vigilante. I have done good, and I have done bad, so vigilante fits. I have the abilities of extreme accuracy and rapid molecular movement (I'm faster, stronger, more agile, stealthier, more intelligent, more observant, better eyesight, better hearing, just better than normal humans in general). I can see fast things in slow motion, dodge (most) bullets, heal faster than usual, stuff like that. For the most part, I'm just human. 

   So now you know that, I just thought of the perfect place to start the first half of my story. My most recent(ish) failure, at the hands of Helix (fucking) Double and Team Amazing(ly stupid). Now you may wonder, who are these people? Well, if I'm a villain, you can probably tell that they are heroes.

    Well let's get to know them first. First up.... Drum roll please.... Helix Double! (Booooooo! Boooooo! That man sucks!) He is my antithesis. My nemesis. The Joker to my Batman. The Thanos to my Avengers. He's an alien from another planet, probably the Andalite home world or something like that. He has the abilities an Andalite has, being able to morph into animals. But unlike Andalite, he absorbed the genetic code of anything, their DNA. He could be any plant, any animal, even absorb DNA from a corpse, from fossils, etc. If it has DNA, he can morph into it. He is extremely buff (aren't all heroes?), with wavy blond hair, a handsome chiseled face, any stereotypical stuff that a hero has. Minus a cape.

    Okay, now into Team Amazing, composed of three people. You have Captain Amazing. He has a relative build, good enough for the ladies, with short straight black hair. Now he has a cape. He was born with his powers, but no one is really sure where they came from. Both of his parents were normal people, and his history checks out, with no abnormalities from ancestors. He led a normal life, and his DNA is 100% human. His powers just came to him. Maybe he was a mutant of some kind, or the next evolution of human. No one knows. He has abnormal strength, reactive evolution (The ability to instantly adapt to any environment), and the power of flight. He is the leader of Team Amazing.

    Next hero up is a beauty. She has all the right junk in all the right places if I may say so myself. Her name is Girl Wonder. This is a name the media gave her, she is no Robin or Wonder Woman, just to let you know. She has the power to feed off of other life forces, Telekinesis, and the ability to paralyze by touching people or being in close proximity to people. She is a brunette with long wavy hair, a nice tan complexion, and a body like a model. She was born a powerless mutant with a rare ineffective mutation. She was taken into the government to experiment on her mutation, and in turn, she was given powers.

    Lastly, you have Hulk Boy. Like the Hulk, he is extremely super strong, practically indestructible, an abnormal being that is fueled by anger. Unlike the Hulk, he speaks fluent English, has a lot more anger control, isn't huge and green, and is permanently strong. Yet, he is dumber than a box of rocks, a dude that was strong but not at all smart. He was a boy whose father was an evil scientist. He was exposed to some sort of potion that gave him his strength. His weakness is the only one I know of. He has a finite energy supply the allows him to use so much strength at once. He gets tired relatively quickly, so if you are quick enough to dodge him, and have about a half hour to tire him out constantly, attacking him, making him continuously move, then at the last-minute, attack him as hard as you can, you can knock him out. It is really hard to achieve since he never fights alone, always surrounded by the other teammates.

    Now, you have met everyone, at least for now. Time for the story.

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