Chapter 1

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    I finally had my master plan all ready to go. It was finally time to end the war between Helix Double and I. I set all the traps, made the right moves, whispered words in the right ears, got information to the right people, and got it to the ears of Helix Double. I knew he would fall for it. Helix was as foolish as he was confident.  I didn't know he would call Team Amazing. He always worked alone, and that was his hubris, his fatal flaw. He was a social butterfly, but he wanted all the fame to himself if I may say so myself. No matter. I will deal with these righteous heroes. I hid in the shadows, watching them approach my lair. Just waiting. I had a knife in hand, and another up my sleeve. 

    "Thanks for coming mates. We need to stop the crimes and villainy of Knifeslinger once and for all, and put him behind bars permanently," Helix said, looking around the premises. Such a boy scout. A stupid, ugly, goodie goodie, boy scout. Probably got raped by his troop leader. I mean, who talks like that? Only a hero I guess.

    "No problem. Anything for an old teammate," Captain Amazing said. Ah yes, ANYTHING for a teammate. Couldn't let the selfish bastard fight his own battles. 

     "How did you find out this is where he is?" Girl Wonder asked. Always questioning, always  a little too suspicious. I hated her for being so smart. She was too good for Captain Dumb Ass. I mean look at that ass! DAMN! Anyhow, she was my first target. If she figured out what was going to happen, I was done for. 

    "My eyes and ears on the street. I have many loyal informers that give me any information I need," Helix responded. Ha. Loyal. They only give the information I want them to give. And if I need some information on Helix, a few coins in their purse ought to do the trick, and I get what I want. Did I say a few coins? What is this the Wild West? I promise I don't pay my informants in nickels and dimes. 

    "Still... It seems to easy..." Girl Wonder said. What made you think that? It's not like it is a cliché villain trap.

   "There is nothing to worry about. I can overpower that villain any day, and he has no clue what's about to happen!" Helix said. Idiot. Sure we've had battles I've lost. I escape jail each time, or you never capture me in the first place. Also my evil plan gets carried out till the very last minute. You are an AWEFUL hero. Willing to risk lives for that last minute save? Tsk tsk tsk.

    "Her worrying is what has kept us alive in previous missions. She's right, something is off," Capt. Amazing said. Of course, you are on her side, you guys are hopelessly in love. She would be better off with me. Alright, enough observation. Time to separate the team. Keeping as quiet as I could, I went from shadow to shadow, using any kind of cover that I could. I got close enough to the pathetic heroes where if I wanted to, I could touch them. 

    "This is getting boring. I'm beginning to think that your informants were wrong," Hulk Boy said. Yes, very wrong. For Team Amazing. Y'all should just leave Helix alone. Make my job eaisier.

    "Patience. They have never failed me before," Helix said. Right. Keep thinking that.

    "Looks like we are at the entrance," G.W. said, as they approached the door to my lair. Good. Distraction number one. I pulled out a tiny blade, like the kind that went in a utility knife, and threw it at trap that I had hoped would work on Girl Wonder. The knife cut the thin fishing wire, and caused a good-sized racket. I then quickly moved to one of my hiding places near the trap. In that place I had set a few of my backup knives, along with some other weapons. I grabbed the knives that were attached to chains, a Taser, and waited. 

    "What the heck was that?" H.B. asked. I don't know Margo.

    "I don't know. Probably a trap," Helix said. Forgot to say Margo. It is a trap.

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