Chapter 2

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  Is it my turn now? Huh? Oh, it is? What do you mean? Oh, I need to start talking! Okay, shut up Leo.
    Hello, my name is Gabriela Estrella. Sorry about that cliffhanger, Leo is dramatic like that, likes to start near the end, just to give you a glimpse. Classic Leo. 

    What? Of course, I get the right to call you Leo. What do you mean no? If I want to call you Leo, I am going to call you Leo. Shut up now, I get to talk. 

    I am seventeen years old, and I have brunette hair usually in a bun. I'm rather tall for a normal girl, but not taller than Leo. I would say that I'm fairly attractive, many of my friends would say so. I'm not very smart, but I get by in my classes. Leo once told me that I have chocolate brown eyes that melted his heart. What? Stop embarrassing you? Isn't that my job? OKAY, okay. 

  Anyways, what I'm really good at is dance and cheer-leading. I took ballet classes since I was about three years old. I go to Ravenswood Academy of Fine Arts, where you have music kids such as your band kids, your choir kids, then you have your drama kids, such as your theater kids and your poetry kids. Then you have your movement kids, and they are you dancers, the gymnasts, and color guard for the summer marching band and winter programs. My parents are wealthy people, so when they knew I had talent dancing, they got me an interview with the academy, and when I got in, they paid the tuition. I had a relatively normal childhood, and my academy years were all normal. Until my Junior year of the academy, when Leo came into my life. I first met the Knifeslinger side of him. It started like any other school day. 

    My alarm went off. I struggled to get out of bed, and nearly hit my head on my side table drawer. I then dragged myself into the shower, sat for a minute contemplating life, washed myself, and went back to my bedroom. I picked out a cute turtleneck and a pair of jeans, put on a sports bra (let me tell you that they are very uncomfortable, in my opinion), and then put on my clothing. I rushed to the kitchen, ate a quick breakfast of toast and eggs, then rushed to the bathroom, practically combing my hair and brushing my teeth at the same time.

    "Mom! I'm leaving really quick! I'll see you after school!" I said, then ran to the door, grabbed my keys, and hurried off to the garage. I unlocked my Subaru car, got in, and started the engine. I used the garage opener, and drove off onto the road. I drove for a good hour (I lived far from town) and I finally reached the center of Slowsilver City, near the City Square. Unluckily, I hit traffic. There was a lot of honking, and no movement whatsoever.

    "Come on! Get out of the way! I need to get to school!" I yelled out my window, slamming my horn. Suddenly, there was a loud boom, and a car went flying.

    "What in God's name..." I said, as people frantically got out of their cars and started running. I got out of my car.

    "Don't be stupid and investigate, don't be stupid and investigate," I thought to myself. I decided to go and investigate. I carefully walked to were the jam started and saw a bull charging some dude in a mask and costume.

     "Wait a minute... I know that costume.... That's Knifeslinger!! And the bull must be... no way! Helix Double!!! Here in Slowsilver City!!!" I said excitedly. Helix Double was the coolest hero around. I even used to have a poster of him in my bedroom. Every girl that knew about heroes knew Helix Double. Of course, Captain Amazing was handsome, but everyone wanted him to be with Girl Wonder. No, Helix Double was the guy girl's fangirled over. His original comics when he was just starting out as a solo hero are worth BIG bucks. I was so excited that he was here. Stop ogling him? Are you jealous? No comment, I thought so.

    "This is amazing!!!!" I thought. I took out my phone and videoed the fight. Helix Double transformed into a large gorilla, and grabbed Knifeslinger. He then drop-kicked him, and Knifeslinger flew and hit a car a few yards away with a crunch. Knifeslinger got up, and then started throwing knives like crazy. His accuracy was deadly, and with Helix being a strong but cumbersome animal, he got hit with most of the knives. Helix was enraged, and pounded the pavement with his fist, and charged at Knifeslinger. Helix swung and swung, most of his hits missing, but a few hitting their mark. Helix was able to hit Knifeslinger hard enough to daze him, and then hit him with a large uppercut.

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