Chapter 18

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    The Conductor flicked his baton. The band sat up. He flicked his hand. The music had begun. It was an ominous woodwind flutter. Then a small brass built up... all the instruments were playing, building up, building up... then came the beat.

    "Seriously? Flight of the Valkyries?" I asked.

    "Just a warmup..." he said flicking his wrist almost looking like a wizard. I threw a knife at the podium he was standing on, and it bounced off.

    "Force field for the band, huh?" I remarked.

    "Yup, while I'm up here, you can't attack," he said.

    "Not much of a fight," I muttered.

    "Gives me time to charge my sonic blasts. Just business. Guards!" he yelled, and a group of twenty men came in.

    "The music I play strengthens them and makes them my slaves boy," he said, as the guards started attacking.

    "Huh. Explains the choice of music. They were mighty warriors, those Valkyries," I said, throwing my knifes at the nearest guy, then doing a backflip over one guy to shove him into another. I touched my thumb and index to summon my knives back.

    "Learned some new tricks?" he asked me.

    "Oh of course I did," I said, kicking a gun out of one the guard's hands. I went for a knife and was elbowed in the face. I was momentarily blindsided, give the rest of the guards a chance to pull out their handguns.

    "Shouldn't have brought a knife to a gunfight, Knifesliger," The Conductor said.

    "Hasn't stopped me before," I said.

    "Kill him," he responded. This was starting to go downhill real quick.

    "Sorry Marie. Looks like some death may or may not happen here. And Jennifer, if you are watching, look away. Just for about an hour," I thought, looking up to the heavens. Hey, if they are trying to kill me, I have every right to kill them. I'll try my best not to though. Two shots rang out at me, and I dodged easily, rolled, and threw knives as I went. I charged forward toward a guard, grabbed him around the neck with one arm, swung behind him, jumped over the top of him and used his body weight to pull him over my head and slam him to the ground. I then jumped up pretty highly, and threw a knife into each of his legs. One down. I landed on top of another guard and used him as a body shield against some more bullets coming at me. I was throwing knives like crazy, a whirlwind of my fury. Two more guards down, jump, roll, magnetize, another two more. Duck, jump, hit, throw, magnetize, demagnetize, roll, slice. I was like a machine, easily, calmly, and effectively taking out the guards. After five minutes, I was down to five guards, and the song was done.

    "Phew. Can we call it quits now?" I asked, taking a breath.

    "Wore out all ready? Guards, step aside. He's mine now. Band, flip to page eight, John Williams should be the composer," The Conductor said.

    "I was just saving my energy for you," I said.

    "I'm all powered up though," he said with a smirk, and started conducting again.

    "Oh shit," I said, recognizing the piece right off the bat. The band blasted out its sound, the sound of a mighty hero. Superman. He wasn't blasting soundwaves at me yet, but I knew it was coming. Ten seconds in the song came the first blast. BUM BUM-BUM! I was thrown back. The theme continued, but the music quieted down for another introduction of sound at twenty five seconds in. Bum budummm bu bu da da dum dadum... bababa bum budumm bu da da dum dadum... bababa bum bababa... Sorry, you kinda have to imagine what the theme sounds like, but at any of the powerful loud note he shot sound out at me. It was hard to get any attacks in with the constant dodging.

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