Chapter 20

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    So let's rewind back to the beginning... or would it be fast forward? I summoned Helix to my warehouse, Team Amazing showed up, I whopped their asses, and I'm just about confront Helix:

    "Look who decided to show up. About dang time, ya know? Here I thought it would be pretty hard to take you all down since you invited friends, but this was much easier," I said, stepping out of the shadows.

     "Knifeslinger! I should have known! Your reign of terror is over! I will bring you to jail," Helix droned on, and then, "Prepare to face the consequences!" Helix said, taking up an offensive position, knowing I would attack first.

    "Finally!" I said. I quickly threw two knives from my sleeves, and Helix dodges and starts to run. Grabbing the chain knives off my belt, I lashed them out and grabbed his foot pulled, and swung him around and shook the chain to release him, and he went flying into another room. Now that I was out of his sight, I used his confusion to my advantage and hid in the shadows. I followed his path, going from shadow to shadow. When he got up, I would slash him down. He was trying to get outside to open ground, and I was determined not to let that happen. He was leaving a trail of blood from the cuts I was giving him. Good, I want him to feel all my pain. Using some of his strength he attempted to throw a chair at me. I dodged it easily. I went to throw my knife when he finally changed from offence to defense, and started attacking me quickly. I knew I could hold off his attacks, I had a weapon, he didn't, but I could see he was starting to back me into a corner. His attacks were getting stronger, more confident, and I didn't have the strength to push back, so I jumped over him and kicked him into the corner. I grabbed my knife, and nearly threw it. I was right there. But then something happened. Something that I would have never expected. Something that in all my lifetime, I would have never deemed possible. That's where I left off. Sorry about the re-wording, I just felt like you needed a refresher.

    "Leonardo, this is enough!" Helix said, pulling a gun out. It was a fully automatic uzi, a newer model with bullets faster than I was. 

    "Whoa what?" I said, dropping my knife.

    "You... you are just sooo stupid! Man, I thought you were smart! Such an idiot! You learn my secret, but lure me here using knives? Anyone ever tell you that bringing a knife to a gunfight is a bad idea, mate?" Helix said, and then transformed into Will.

     "Hold up a minute.... what?" I said confused.

    "Disastrous Nuclear Anthropoid. D.N.A. T.G.C.A: Thymine, guanine, cytosine, adenine; foundations of D.N.A. How could you not see that coming? You were smart enough to steal my things, break out witnesses, stop shipments, yet you let me get the upper hand!" Helix/Will said angrily.

    "What? I don't know what you are talking about," I said.

    "Sure you don't. Lies! You sent your D.A.S.A. agent to spy on me, I kill a troop of my men to find out the spy is a woman!" Will screamed.

    "D.A.S.A.? Spy? I wanted Helix Double to help me capture you so I could kill the both of you. Just a classic backstabbing villain move," I said.

    "So you don't know what I'm talking about huh? Just mindlessly following orders from that damn whore?" Will said.

    "Who you calling a whore?" I asked.

    "Your girlfriend. Marie Quintina. I've tried to off her at school, whenever I could find her, but she disappeared anytime I got her alone," Will said.

    "Marie Quintina? As in my informant? And don't you dare call her a whore!" I exclaimed.

    "Yes, and she is a whore, the little she-bitch. Whore, slut, prostitute, all the good words mate. What the fuck are you going to do about it mate? Huh?" Will asked me, pointing the Uzi at my chest.

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