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Before I knew it, the moon was replaced with the sun, and the morning rays filled the room, I yawned rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the light.
Getting out of bed I go straight to the bathroom and get ready for the day.
After my shower I wrap up in a towel entering my bedroom again, going over to wardrobe "Morning" I turned seeing Link "M-morning" I had totally forgot he was here other wise I would have brought my clothes into the bathroom. I clutched my towel, Link hadn't seen me yet he was looking at his Sheikah tablet, I turned back around grabbing my clothes as quick as possible.
"Paya.." I froze, feeling his eyes on my back, I turned around, we stared at each other his cheeks tinted pink and mine deep shades of red.
I backed slowly to the bathroom door "Ahh, I'll be f-finished soon" I slammed the door shut breathing heavily.

"It's no be deal Paya..you saw him half naked last night" I tried to clam my self but ended up get more flustered. I quickly dressed and styled my hair I opened the door to be faced with Link "Link! Umm..I'm done" I brushed past him "his face was so close to mine! Especially his lips if I had moved any closer we could have K-kissed!" I whispered covering my face with my hair.
Leaving my room I went downstairs to start morning prayer.
"Who were you talking to last night?" I stopped in my tracks "Ohh! Good morning grandmother, it was Link.." her eyebrows raised "Ohh..he's come back?  He's supposed to protect princess Zelda"
"Zelda" that was true.. I wonder what happened between them that he's here now and she's not?
I went outside to the goddess Hylia statues after a quick prayer I re-entered the house seeing Link talking to grandmother Impa.
"Link, you must be hungry what c-can I make you?" He walks towards me "mmm.. mushroom omelet would be great!" He grins "O-okay I'll go to the store and get the ingredients-" "I'll come with you" he grabs my hand running out the door, his fingers intwined with mine. I quickly matched my running with his and we soon reached the store. He picked up all the ingredients asking if there was anything else I wanted, after telling him no he pays for it.
"Link you didn't have to pay.." he locks his hand with mine again squeezing it slightly, I look up from our hands seeing him staring at me, the sun light bouncing beautifully against his ocean blue eyes and his golden strands glistened. I covered my face with my free hand not wanting him to see me soo flustered. "Paya..after breakfast I want to take you somewhere.." I peaked through my hand at him, his smile was warm making my heart beat faster. "Okay-y" I nodded.

After I fixed the Mushroom omelet we both sat on the steps of the house watching the villagers while we ate.
"Link, may I ask why you came back?"
"I came back because.. I needed to- get away or take a break from Hyrule" his eyes focused on his food.
My heart sank, Did I really think he came back just because of me? Soon he'll be off again..
"Let's got to that place I want to take you" he stretched out his hand to me, I looked down contemplating do I want to go anymore? Link frowned noticing my hesitation "please.." he's eyes soften and I couldn't resist.
I took his hand and he guided me up a Hill we walked along the path, it was silent between us I wasn't sure what to say but soon the surroundings changed, it felt as thought it came alive...there was an abundance of plant life.

Link stood still making me stop in my tracks, in the center of the area was a huge flower it sparkled and had water inside.
My eyes widened realising where I was "Link! Is this the fairy fountain..you found it!" I held my hands against my chest taking in the breathtaking view.
Link smiled and I threw my arms around his neck, he become off balanced and fell to the ground he held me close to his body protecting me. "Sorry..I just can't believe you actually found it" I told him lifting my head, our noses a breath apart.
His blue eyes searched my brown ones, he placed his hand on my cheek I smiled leaning into to it.
This felt so surreal..the tiny pink fairies surrounded us, one landed on my finger "they are really pretty" I whispered, laying down next to Link watching them fly around. "They're many more fairy fountains I could..take you" He laid on his side watching me "I can't leave Link I have my duties here.." I faced him
He sighed "one day.. I'll take you with me showing you all the different places I've seen"  I chuckled lightly "one day" he thumb caressed my chin, I moved closer he lifts my chin up, my lips connect with his I could sense the fairies dancing around us our eyes close enjoying this time together. He let my lips go, my eyes flutter not believing that I had my first kiss with Link! In this beautiful forest it was like a real fairy tale...

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