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"Paya!" my eyes shot open.

"I have to see her" I sat up, my body aching all over, I was laying in a pool of water 'Resurrection shrine?' I glanced at my surroundings.

"That means....how long was I asleep?" I ran out of the shrine 'I have to get back...I need to see her' 

"what if it's been another 100 years? there's so much I want to tell her"I clenched my fist "If only I didn't leave" the sound of horses caught my attention, I snuck up on one and tamed it.  

I rode day and night until reaching  Hateno village everything still looked the same I saw familiar faces but I made sure to keep my self-hidden.

I walked across the bridge that leads to my house and hid behind one of the trees. I was too scared to go the door, what if the house was empty I could bear the thought. 

I watched the door intently for a while then it opened slowly. The sight before me took my breath away 


She walked out with a basket full of flowers, she sat in the grass and began planting them. 

The sunlight highlighted her silver hair, she smiled so warmly, so beautiful I felt like I fell in Love with her again.

My legs moved on there own walking slowly towards her, I wanted to hug her...hear her voice again. 

She looked towards the house "Link!" she called out 

I stopped walking "Link? but I'm right here?" I wanted to say but the words never left my lips, my heart sank 'was there someone else?' and that's when I saw a small head peek around the door.

"Come here I want to show you something" she waved at him smiling, I watched as the little boy ran towards Paya he had the biggest smile I've ever seen....His blonde hair bounced as he ran and those blue eyes looked just like my own.

My heart filled with joy and love I smiled watching them...I finally had a family, this was more than I could ever ask for. 

I picked up the pace again "Paya!" I ran over she turned her head, her eyes widened

"Link!" she ran towards me I wrapped my arms around her waist holding her tight. "It's really you" she smiled with tears running down her cheeks, she cupped my face. "I'm so so sorry Paya" I looked deep into her brown orbs "You're here now that's all the matters" she pressed her soft lips against mine 'I missed this' Our kiss was interrupted by a small voice "Mama..." he stretched his little arms out. 

Paya picked him up, he rested his head in the crook of her neck and looked at me for a minute and then smiled. I felt like my heart was going to explode "This is-" 

"Papa" he finished Paya's sentence

"Yes.." I took him out of Paya's arms,  he was quite heavy which made me chuckle "Link" he eyes lit up "yes papa"    

"I love you" I embraced him,  "sorry I wasn't here for you but I promise I'll never leave again" I whispered. 


 After putting Link to bed in his room, I got into bed a wrapped my hands around Paya  caressing her cheeks "how long has it been?" "3 years" she spoke softly 

"sorry-" she cut me off by kissing me "Link the past is the past...right now I need you" she smirked...


4 years have passed.

"link are you ready?" I called for him, he came running down the stairs with his bow and arrow "Yes father" he began counting his arrows. I smiled watching him, he's grown so much. 

"You two be careful and Link make sure you listen to what your father tells you okay" Paya squeezes he cheeks " Mum, I'm not a baby anymore" 

"You'll always be my baby Link" Paya cooed

"Father can we go climbing this time and maybe catch some fish?" his eyes filled with excitement.

"Sure" I smiled

"cool!" he jumped

"We're off" I kissed Paya. 

Link headed out the door before I did. "P-papa" I looked down seeing sliver hair and watery eyes "Inoue don't cry "I picked her up, she always cries everytime I leave to go hunting. 

I kissed her cheeks " I'll be back soon" I tell her, she nods her head and Paya takes her from me.

"Tell papa by" Inoue waves as she smiles with rosy cheeks, she had sliver like Paya but blue eyes like me. 

I wave back "back soon" I close the door behind me and catch up to Link who was getting the horses ready.

"I think I'll teach you how to use the Master sword today" I ruffle his hair and saddled up. 


"yes, if I'm not here you'll need to protect your sister and mother"  I looked at him he had a determined look on his face. "I promise I will!"   

"Good...you'll also need to protect Hikari" 

"Hikari.. Princess Zelda's daughter, the same way you protected Princess Zelda?"

"Yes the sword will soon be passed onto you" 

The past 4 years flashed before my eyes, time went by so fast. 

He was getting older and I knew that one day Ganon would return and when it does he needs to be ready...

For the sake of his family. 

For the sake of Hyrule...

The end.

A/N: Thank you soo much for reading!!! and voting!!! I was actually going to do an alternate ending where Link gets back after 100 years to see their graves outside the home...but that's soo sad and Link doesn't deserve that. lool thanks for reading again xxx

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