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I stood there frozen in time watching how comfortable Zelda looked laying on Link, he had his hand wrapped around her. It was clear that they had a deeper relationship than I thought.

I wasn't sure how I felt, I was sad of course but she knows Link better than me, she's been with him for years..I can't compare to that.  Even though we kissed maybe his heart doesn't lay with me but instead with Princess Zelda and who am I to come between them...
I went back downstairs and left the house, my heart sunken and empty, I walked over to the goddess statue and sat down watching Lilly pads float freely over the water.

It wasn't too long before Zelda found me she looked at the goddess statue not saying a word before sitting down next me.
"Is everything alright? You look down" her face was straight
"I'm fine..just tired" I gave her a side glance
"Well I'll be leaving now with Link...you should come and visit the castle sometime" she patted me on my shoulder and stood up, I watched her walk away.

I know I shouldn't be having these feelings towards the princess but anger or hatred towards her was slowly building inside me. In the distance I could see link walking in my direction, the guards behind him getting the horses ready for their departure.
"Paya! Why are you all the way out here?"
He gave me a worried look, I sighed I wanted to be mad at him for leaving but looking at him it's like my heart melts.
"Just thinking...Zelda told me your leaving with her?"
"y-yeah" He slides closer to me "I-i didn't want too but she's persistent" he scratched the back of his head.
"Link..I saw her sleeping on your chest it seems to me you two have a special relationship, if you want to be with her just say it don't string me into things!" His eyes widened at my sudden outburst
"Paya it's not what you think-"
"If it's not then why are you leaving?" I paused to let him answer, and as expected he couldn't.
"You say you love me right? We kissed didn't we?....
You know how I feel about you!" Tears slowly fell down my cheeks.

"Why did you even come back?"

I walked off leaving him there..

After walking around the village I reached back at the house, Zelda was on her horse she looked at me giving me a smirk..
My eyes fell upon Link, he rushed over "Paya I'm truly sorry..I'll come back I promise" he whispered
"Come back? If you love me stay.."
"I do love you..I just-" I cut him off not wanting to hear another excuse "I get it Link, she's the princess you do whatever she commands" I roll my eyes "Just go" and with that, I went inside and up to my room.
I laid there listening to the horses galloping away, streams of tears gliding down my face...he was really gone again..

New beginnings LINK X PAYA (botw)Where stories live. Discover now