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Only play the music if you don't get creeped out easily. If you do, don't listen to it, especially in the dark...I warned you

Just kidding. But it's kinda eerie sounding, just saying.


They were on the ground, mourning the ever so awful defeat he himself use to feel. They felt weak, fearful, glancing behind their shoulders before looking down in shame and embarrassment. He grinned, knowing he was the cause of shame. He was the cause of fear. The fear wasn't a slow working fear, where it creeps it's way in. No, it was a knife striking the heart, sending panic signals to the brain, setting off every alarm. It was that fear he was imposing.

He liked it. It felt odly good... Satisfaction was all that filled up his beating organ. His eyes held a gleeful look in them. But the glee was vicious and almost terrifying. His pointed teeth shined as he laughed coldly, looking down at them.

Fear...Fear...feel what I felt...what I felt...was...Shame...


They were gone

The mourners of defeat were gone

Instead there was...


He peered into the void of purple and black, only to be stared back at by the void of literal blank. He glared and twisted his body around, then walked a few steps. Atleast he could walk, hopefully he doesn't bump into anything. Even if he does then so what? It's not his fault he's stuck in the middle of particularly nowhere.

Where could those defeated weak people disappear to? He was enjoying all that.

Growling, he stomped his feet, narrowing his violet eyes, which were glowing profusely. He didn't notice that though, way too preoccupied by this nothingness instead.


A light

A bright light

Only a dot burning in the distance, like a single star. But it was there. His body seem to judder in excitement as he saw this one dot of light and he immediately made his way towards it, but he stopped. He squinted and wrinkles appeared between his eyebrows from the frown that he was carrying on his face. He's not imagining this light is he?

Why is he so eager to go towards it? A single dot of light? But something about it seemed so alluring and almost hypnotising. Should he go towards it...?

He won't be disappointed when he reaches that ball of energy, right? With one last frown, he set his face straight and immediately began striding towards the light or whatever it was. He was close, so close, it was getting brighter, as he went closer he realised the light was a soft blue light.

Just a few more steps

He reached out with his hands

Just about to close over

His eyes blinding over

The light growing brighter


Lui's violet eyes snapped open to see the dark ceiling staring back at him. For a few moments, he couldn't remember what he just seen. He didn't blink as his heart raced unusually fast, considering the fact that he was lying down and not running or something. His eyes flickered to the window, the moon gloomily glowing, light clouds drifting pass it lazily. As if something snapped, the whole thing came rushing back to him.

Once Apon A Lifetime [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now