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"Your uncle is very nice" the boy said, lying back down onto the grass.

Lui scoffed under his breath while glancing at his uncle who was sitting on a bench, talking away on the phone. He looked away and sighed, running his hand over the soft grass. He curled his hand into a fist. Nice? He wouldn't call him nice..but he isn't mean all the time either.

"How is he nice?" Lui blurted out. He bit his lip. He didn't mean to say it like that.

The ruby eyed boy sat up. He gave Lui a questioning look, thoughtfully tilting his head to the right. Lui waited for him to speak.

"Don't you think he's nice?" He asked finally.

That was a tricky question. Lui chewed on his lip and glanced at his uncle again. He seemed to be done talking on his phone, since his uncle looked to be in deep thought as he stared at the sky. Lui's eyes flickered to the sky aswell. It was painted with soft pastel shades of orange, pink and purple. The evening was seeping into the night pretty fast. Lui gulped and faced his friend again. Why was that question so hard to answer?

"I..well, I guess he's okay" Lui muttered at last.


Lui let out a sigh. "I just don't like him much, I mean he's not bad or anything"

The boy nodded and looked towards the sky.

"Why is he here anyways? I mean...usually he just visits but..?"

"My parents are away, they went to America" there was slight bitterness laced with Lui's voice.

"Is it for their company?"

Lui nodded, not trusting his voice. The boy smiled softly and he reached out towards Lui. Lui stayed still as he felt his friend's arm wrap around his shoulder. The ruby eyed boy sat closer beside Lui, tightening his arm.

"Lui, you know you can tell me anything, you do know that right?"

Lui's heart immediately rushed with warmth. His violet eyes fell to the ground, they were watery. He nodded his head and he could feel the boy beside him smiling. Lui's head fell onto the boy's shoulder and he closed his eyes. He needed someone to hold him.

"I could tell you're not entirely happy. But things do get better, you know? You don't have to tell me anything, but everything will be okay"

Lui hummed in response. The thing is, things won't get better. He just knows it. His eyes travelled back to Hajime again. Not with him around, bitter thoughts circled Lui's head like a vulture. His fingers twiddling with blades of grass and his head still resting on the boy's shoulder. He closed his eyes. If he's this young and feels like this already, how will he act or feel in the future. Will I even be a good person...

Even if he might not be a good person. He'll never hurt anyone, or at the least, try not to. He won't hurt people like his uncle does to him. He won't be Hajime. He'll be Lui. But, Hajime deserves pain, right? He did horrible things to me, he deserves pain..everyone does! Lui's eyes filled with horror. He inwardly groaned at his horrible thought. No, no, no! Not everyone, only him! You idiot!

Once Apon A Lifetime [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now