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"Your parents won't be coming home for awhile, they went to America" Lui heard his uncle's voice drawl behind him.

He felt his heart sink at the thought of staying with his uncle for who knows how long. You really did leave me..Lui said mentally. He frowned up at his uncle, who was waiting for his response.

"Did they say when they'll be back?"

His uncle sat down beside him. Lui flinched, making his uncle frown.

"Yes, they'll be back by the end of this week"

"Six days?!" Lui yelled, standing up.

Hajime didn't seem that surprised at Lui's outburst as he nodded his head 'yes'. Lui balled his hands into tiny fists and gritted his pointed teeth.

"Why do they keep leaving me!" Lui shouted at his uncle. Shouting at someone like Hajime wasn't a good idea, but at that moment, Lui was way too furious to even care.

Hajime glared at the child, his right eye ticking as he tried to keep his cool.

"Maybe because your a fucking brat" he hissed.

Lui immediately stopped fuming and his expression went from furious to vulnerable. He looked down with wide eyes, tears were gathering fast and his eyes kept darting from one side to the other. Does his parents really leave for him being...a brat? Was he acting bratty towards them when he refused to eat food or when he got mad? Lui's lips trembled. Maybe it's his fault they left. Maybe they wanted a break from him..

Lui looked up at his uncle. His tear filled violet eyes met his uncle's cold violet eyes. The child sniffed and went closer to his uncle, rubbing his nose with his small hands. Hajime sighed and scooped the child into his arms and held Lui against him.

"Now what do you have to say for yourself young man?" Hajime questioned Lui, well, more like demanded.

Lui's shoulder felt heavy with guilt as he took on the blame of his parents leaving wholeheartedly. Its his fault. His parents aren't the problem. His uncle doesn't seem to be the problem. He's the problem. Tears began fall from Lui's eyes and he hugged his uncle tightly. His lips trembled as he tried to get out the words.

"I-im s-sorry for being a....being... a.. b-brat! I'm s-s-sorry..im so..rr..y..im sorry..im....sorry.." Lui sobbed, clutching and crying onto Hajime's shirt.

Lui felt his uncle's hand softly grip his hair, and he knew it meant his uncle was forgiving him. He felt some of the guilt lifting away, but it stopped the moment he was plunged into confusion. What was his uncle forgiving him for? What did he do that he needed to say sorry for?

It's not his fault for being bratty. Hell, he wasn't even being bratty! And even if he was, it is most certainly not his fault. Its his uncle's fault, because his uncle is horrible to him. Wait what, he's being nice to me now..he's holding me, Lui thought. His grip on his uncle's shirt loosened and he pulled away from him.

Lui sniffed and rubbed his eyes and nose, his shoulders slumped and gaze on the floor. He's confused. A simple thing to understand, but the thing he was confused about was more complicated. Hajime was really messing with the child's head and he knew it. Hajime glanced at the broken child, before sighing and getting up.

Lui took in a shaky breath and his eyes flitted to his uncle, who was taking out some ingredients from the cupboard. His uncle caught Lui looking.

"I'm cooking some dinner, I'm assuming your hungry"

Lui scoffed under his breath before answering his uncle. "Assuming makes an ass out of you and me"

Hajime's eyebrows furrowed into a frown and he looked at Lui from the the corner of his eyes as he set out some pans on the stove.

"Your eating wether you like it or not" Hajime stated nonchalantly.

"I'm not hungry" Lui shot back.

"This is why your parents left" his uncle snapped.

Lui immediately shut his mouth and his gaze fell at the ground again. This was going to be a long, agonising six days. It might feel like six weeks. Six months. Years, centeries, millenniums, who knows....

"If it makes you feel better, your grandfather is going to visit for a bit, maybe in a day or two" his uncle spoke up.

As if you care about what makes me feel better or not

Lui stayed silent, but his insides were screaming in joy. His grandfather, the only person who never pestered him, the only person who agrees with him, and probably doesn't think of him as a brat. Sure, he loves his parents, but his love for his grandfather was different.

Lui scowled up at the back of his uncle's head. He doesn't love his uncle. He never will, not even to his grave. Lui cringed, atleast he thinks he doesn't love his uncle. Now that he thinks about, he doesn't know what to feel about him. His uncle is nice one second and cruel the other second. Hajime has Lui wrapped in a constant circle of confusion.

Both Hajime's and Lui's head snapped up when the doorbell rang. When nobody spoke or moved it rang another three times. Hajime let out an annoyed huff when it rang again.

"Lui, get the door, can't you see I'm busy"

Lui nodded and rushed to door as it rang another two times. He didn't even need to open the door to know who it was. Only one person he knew persistently rang the doorbell that many times. Lui swung the door open to greet his friend.

The white haired boy was standing there on the doorstep with his arms behind his back and a wide grin stretched across his face. Lui smiled a genuine smile at him, he was glad.

"Hey Lui! You don't mind me coming over do you?" The boy said, stepping in and already knowing Lui won't mind.

"No I don't mind, but why'd you come over?" Lui asked as he closer the door.

"To see if your alright, you said you felt dizzy"

Lui's heart went warm at his friends concern. "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me"

"That's not gonna stop me...oooh, is someone cooking?" The boy looked towards the kitchen.

"Lui! Who is that?!" Hajime called from the kitchen.

"My friend came over!" Lui yelled back.

Hajime appeared at the doorway of the kitchen. He tilted his head at the two boys standing in the hallway.

"Then why don't you two have dinner? And then maybe I could bring you to the park?"

Lui's friends nodded happily and followed Hajime into the kitchen, and Lui trailed behind. He didn't want to go anywhere with his uncle. But he didn't want to upset he ruby eyed boy in the kitchen.

Yep, this is definitely going to be a long week


Word count: 1171

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