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The music...my dear(sarcasm)sweet friend chose it. Its a bit different I guess


The footsteps that stamped along the hallways were drowned out by the chatter bursting through the air. Students were leaning against the walls, huddled over phones, some were getting books and some already in class. The first thing that got to Lui was the chatter. Couldn't silence be appreciated even for a second?

Teachers seemed to be in no hurry, walking with paced footsteps. Why do teachers seem like they have everything in the bag? Is it even possible for one person to be that organised? Lui could never imagine teaching a kid, let alone a whole class. He'll most likely burst into tears from frustration.

Lui stayed off to the side as he trudged along the hallway littered with people. He swerved to the side as two girls giggling about something on their phone passed him. Lui let out a annoyed sigh and kept going.


A kid with sparkling, ruby, red eyes and fluffy, creamy white hair dodged people, jumping from left to right as he tried to reach Lui. The kid stumbled to a stop infront of the flame haired boy, his breath slightly ragged. He smiled widely at Lui, his smile turning into a grin as Lui smiled back ever so slightly.

"Hey...you alright?" Lui said quietly.

"Sure! But what's with the long face huh?"

Lui shrugged nonchalantly and smiled at the kid, trying to reassure him that everything is alright. The smile on the other boys face faltered slightly. Lui seemed to be hiding something.

"Your always cheerful though?" The boy dragged on.

"I'm just tired"

"If you say so Lui! But make sure to smile!"

Lui sighed but still smiled slightly. The other boy flashed a grin again.

"Yay Lui!"

"Oh yay.."

The white haired boy linked arms with the other boy. Lui saw no point in rejecting, and went along with it. This was his friend afterall. Who did manage to brighten his day some how like usual. Together, they both walked to their first class, that was just about to start. A teacher came in just seconds after they slid into their seats which was situated around the middle.

The chatter of the class died down to a hush. Ofcourse all these kids were still young enough to be afraid of the teacher. Lui sat straight as the teacher began drawling about the French revolution, how they recruited all the men and made much bigger armies than the rest.

Other countries followed their tactics, causing more bigger and destructive armies, leading to horrible wars like WW1 and WW2. Few people glanced at him every time Louis XIV was mentioned. He groaned, their names weren't even spelled the same way, not to mention the fact that they're nothing alike. It didn't help that the white haired boy beside him kept giggling.

"Teehee! Marie-Antoinette is your wife!" He giggled under his breath.

Lui tried to come up with a snarky response but couldn't.

"No she's isn't....and anyways..she's dead" Lui grumbled.

"I suppose" the other boy shrugged.

The rest of the day went at a pace of a slug or even slower. If time went even slower than Lui wouldn't be surprised if it went backwards. But eventually the sun was past the mid-point of the sky, indicating the end of afternoon was near. Which meant school was more or less over.

Once Apon A Lifetime [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now