Chapter 2

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"Come here" Monica called over the silent prince. He looked up, his head previously hidden between his knees which he hugged to his chest.

She held up the pouch of water the merchant whose carriage they sat in the back of, hidden between crates of merchandise, had given them. They had almost missed him, and he'd nearly turned them away up until he was shown the card Andrea had mentioned. Only then were they given the water and supplies the tutor had prepared and ushered into the back of the carriage. That had been a half a day ago. Gael hadn't made a sound since.

"Come" The marked woman insisted, smiling sweetly at the younger male. He inched closer to her and she wet the cloth she'd torn from her skirt and began the task of cleaning the little omega free of all the dried blood.

"I've never thought kindly of her" He whispered as she worked. Monica spared him a glance but said nothing until she had managed to clean him of most of the blood. Then her eyes fell to his thin form beneath his torn and dirted robe and frowned. Pulling the large bag of supplies Andrea had prepared closer.

"Let's see what we have here" She hummed as she went through the contents. Giving a genuine "Aha!" As she found a change of clothes four sizes too small to have been meant for the teacher yet, a size or two too large and several classes below what the prince would usually wear. She handed the loose shirt and brown working pants to her young friend.

"Change into this, lest you catch a cold" She suggested with an easy smile.

As expected they were too large for Gael and Monica was forced to tear a ribbon from his ruined robe to be used as a belt to keep his trousers from slipping.

"You should eat something" She then pushed, producing a loaf of flat bread which, by the feel of it was a few days old. Still, she broke off a piece and handed it to her friend.

"I'm not hungry" He shook his head.

Monica signed, her green eyes taking in his small frame. He was much too skinny. His arms like strings, bone poking out from behind his skin, which despite his dark complexion seemed pale. Despite his caring, his skin seemed dry and lacking in its natural glow.

Grief was a master thief, stealing sleep, hunger, and lives as one knew it. But Gael had nothing to give but his life.

"Andrea died getting you out" She spoke drawing the prince's attention. Meeting his dark eyes with her hazel pair.

"You won't last if you don't eat. Then her sacrifice would have been for nothing" She informed, handing him the same piece of bread he'd earlier rejected. First, he stared, then he took it in his small hands and finally, he ate. Tears running down his cheeks as he finished the largest potion he'd even consume.

When he was done, Monica inched closer to him and pressed his head on her shoulder. In a gentle voice, she gave him an order he willingly obeyed.


They were woken by a jolt and the sound of restless horses. There was a series of knocks from the front and as instructed by the merchant, Monica grabbed their bags and crawled to the opening and peeked out.

They were headed to the pier, the house with the green door was in another country. After the carriage, Andrea had prepared to have them smuggled on a trading ship across the sea. But as blue eyes met green pasters, Monica froze in her confusion.

The knocks came again, this time from the side second before the merchant apprentice came into view.

"We've got word! The king has set up a checkpoint in the other villages, they're checking cargo up ahead. We can't take you any further" The words sunk like a stone in a river, Monica gripped the straps of her bag.

"But the sea" Gael whispered behind her, the apprentice looked over to the young prince, his cheeks turn rose as he bowed his head.

"My apologies" The lad offered, just as there was another knock at the very back. Monica took hold of Gael's hand, nearing the edge so she may step out she asked.

"How far are we to the ocean?"

"2 maybe more" The lad responded, instinctively reaching out a hand to aid, first the maid then the prince.

"Hours?" Monica hopped aimlessly, knowing good and well that they had yet to venture out of the kings ruling. The apprentice shook his head.

"Weeks" He corrected.

The merchant knocked again. Monica swore, mumbling words unfit for a lady. The lad scratched the back of his head, chancing a glance at the prince who lowered his gaze upon meeting the students'.

The boy cheeks heated, and in determination, he nodded his head and pulled a folded map from his pocket and showed the person of his affection.

"You're here," He informed. "If you cut cross this field" He directed, pointing behind the duo to the large patch of tall young corn. " It's about a day or two away but there is a large village. You should be able to take a carriage around the king's rule" He finished, refolding the map, took one of Gael's hand from the strap of the bag he held and placed the folded draft into the small palm.

"Thank you" Gael managed in a soft voice.

There were more knocks, loud and violent. The apprentice pulled away from the prince, made sure the crates wouldn't fall as they advance and jogged back to the merchant's side.


"There were rumors about Andrea" Monica filled the silence, they had been walking for hours, their thin clothes barely shielding from the prickles of corn leaves.

"I'm not interested in petty gossip" Gael responded, pushing forward.

Monica swat at her neck, the mark of her mate had begun to itch. This conversation was as much of a means of distraction for her as it was for Gael.

"It was before my time, but after recent development. I've come to think them true" She continued, matching her stride with his.

"Monica" The prince began but did not continue. It hurt to think of his teacher, behind his lids he saw her laying before him, couching blood brought on by the wound that should have been his.

"It's said that she took care of your mother during her pregnancy when she passed, Andrea was then put in charge for your upbringing. Unknown to the king, she had come to care for your mother and was made to promise that if something was to happen to her, she would protect you."

Gael stopped walking. Standing still as he fought the tears that threatened to fall.

"Why are you telling me this?"He inquired from the women he believed was his friend. Monica ran a hand over her neck, swallowing a hiss of pain and irritation as she faced the prince.

"You mustn't feel guilty of her death, she did as was asked of her"

"How long will we only be able to do as is asked of us? As is expected of us?" Gael whispered his eyes on his feet. "If that's all we'll amount to then I should go back to the palace and be the pawn that I was born to be. You should return to your mate and- " He trailed off as he heard a grunt, raised his head and saw the maid, clenching the spot just above her collar. Her posture hunched in pain and her stance shacky as she fought to remain upright.

"Monica, are you alright?" The prince rushed to her side. Unsure of what was to be done as he saw her brow damp with sweat.

"I'm" The maid began just as a scream of pain ripped through her. She dropped her bag, her knees giving away under her. She stared through heavy eyes, her breathing forced as she clenched her neck. The pain was unbearable! So when the darkness called, she willingly surrendered.

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