Chapter 6

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Monica fought it at first, but they had to stay in this village until winter so they may reunite with the merchant Flack, and be taken to the house with the green door across the ocean. But she doubted the merchant would do it for free.

It was spring, they were in a village they knew nothing about, surrounded by people that cannot be trusted. Worst yet, they were only a few days away from king's land and the maid was certain the greedy ruler would sweep the kingdom for his pawn.

Gael was simply too great of an investment for he to be replaced by one of his sisters.

For one, they promised a rare, male omega. On the other hand, there was simply no one time to find and train a replacement that would match the Gael in the role of a pawn.

Monica had no choice. It was as Genie had said, a brothel was better than the back of an alley.

Here at the very least, she could earn the money they'd need to travel and she'd be able to better hide and protect the prince from the king's all-seeing eyes. So when the morning after their invitation came and Genie met with them. The caretaker agreed to work in her establishment.

"I will not be offering those services, and this deal involves me and I alone. Gael will not be taking part" She declared. Genie nodded absently as she poured them tea, just as she had done before, and sat behind her desk, legs crossed over one another as she sipped from her cup. Her eyes locking with the prince's dark pair.

"Is that what you want?" She asked him. Monica turned towards him as well, her own gaze widening at his silent response.

"Gael surely you don't mean to-" She began in a tone of horror. Her sentence interrupted as he turned to better face his caretaker and held her by the hand.

"I don't want to be a burden to you Monica." He began. "It was my decision that got us here, I should shoulder a fraction of the responsibility" Though he'd admit that the workings of a brothel were lost to him. Aside from the light cooking lessons and mending he'd been forced to learn, he had no skills whatsoever.

But had he not swore to no longer be a pawn? How can he change himself if he continues to stay behind the shield others provided for him?

"I won't allow you to" The caregiver declared, her gaze hard and uncrossable. There was no way she'd accept her prince serving and servicing clients the way expected of a brothel woman. She would not have him to be touch and held at the leisure of drunk men with loose lips and wandering hands.

"We have other jobs." Genie voiced placing her empty cup on the matching soccer.

"You can help out in the kitchen, with the maids, doing the cleaning and the washing of laundry " She informed the boy who nodded hesitantly, his gaze glancing at his friend. Quietly searching for her approval.

Monica said nothing, her mood sour as the picture her prince picking up after those pigs. Washing trousers and beddings stain with questionable substances. Not to mention that he'd be out of her sight for the most parts. Before she could enclose him in their room as she worked. Now she must worry about love-struck cooks and handsy chambermaids. The clients weren't the only beasts in a brothel.

Genie knew this best.

But she doesn't tell the infuriated woman that she'd personally keep an eye on the boy. That she would warn the kitchen staff and maids against trying anything with young Gael. That she'd threatened to dismiss anyone that thought themselves wiser and have them leave lesser then they were. Instead, she told to caretaker what had been said to her, long before.

"Boys will become men, my dear, even when we wish it not so"

That had been a month ago. Since then, Monica had found that she didn't quite mind the patrons as she once thought she would. They were pigs, yes, but she played the role of the farmer that care for them, raised and in time slaughter them.

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