Chapter 10

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Nathanael stood at the front desk of the Oasis Rouge. He smiled polity at the woman that stood behind the counter and she stared back, shocked and silenced by his request.

"Pardon?" The beautiful young brunette questioned. Convinced that she'd misheard. Her heat was close, perhaps that was the cause of her reduced hearing.

"I wish to see Gael if you may" Nathanael repeated, "I simply wish to speak to him" He added as he witnesses nerves and worry cloud the omegas' painted face.

She hadn't misheard. This man, one she has never seen before, request the company of with the mistresses' favorite.

What should she do?

She has only just started working at the brothel, she'd thought herself lucky, sex and service were not new to her and when the handsome dominant walk up to the desk, she was ready to bat her lashes. There were a few things she'd learn in her stay at the Oasis, one of them was to never agree to bed or be alone with a blacklisted client. And the next was to respect Genie's favorite.

Favoritism wasn't uncommon in a brothel, but they were usually the money maker, the lady or lad that pulled in the must Silver and Gold. For the Mistress to place protection on a little maid who had yet to had his first heat, well that was unheard of. Then again, for the boss to be an omega herself and not a dominant was also, unheard of.

So were Genie and Gael was concerned, she was stumped. Could only look at the man that asked for the boy and attempt not to collapse under her own nerves. Was this normal? But she was told that Gael didn't take clients. That he was strictly apart of the cleaning and kitchen staff.

But the man seemed to know of him, so does that mean that Genie had recently allowed him to service a selected few? That couldn't be, news like that would have traveled fast, even with if she had only been here for a little over two weeks she would have heard of this!

"Is there a problem?" Nathanael asks, his brow raising as he regards the woman. She shook her head, teeth buried deep into her lower lip.

"Excuse me a moment" She requested and turned her back to the client, attempting to wave down whoever past.

Thankfully, it was one of her seniors.

"Amanda, is there a problem?" Monica questioned as approach the girl and the desk. When she came into sight of Nathanael she smiles.

"This is a surprise" She greeted, offering her hand to be kissed. He did so gracefully.

"You're seemed to be doing well" Nathanael mentioned, his eyes smiling as he released her hand and allow his sights to take in her form, she looked healthier then she had when they first met.

"Did I appear ill when we last engaged?" The caretaker easily responded naturally prolonging the chat as she looked him over as well. He wore a peculiar uniform. Much like the one, one her pigs showed off at every giving opportunity. It displayed a position of power over the average knight. And the shined badges he carried over his heart were tokens of honor.

Monica took in his face, his smile genuine as he addressed her. He appeared far too young to have earned them, just who is this man? She wonders.

"Only slightly" He answered politely. "My apologies if my words cause you discomfort" He then added.

The caregiver waved it off with a small laugh.

"I assure you It was nothing." She stated and then, her voice gained a slight chill as she asked: " To what do we owe your visit?"

If Nathanael happened to detect the sudden coldness in her tone, he showed no discomfort.

"I wish to speak to Gael" He requested once again.

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