Chapter 8

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Monica worked usually ended at dawn, Gael started half an hour after that. It was simply natural that they hardly spoke though they shared a room. But the moment where their paths would cross. Where the caregiver would spare a smile and the prince would return it with a grin. She'd look him over, her gaze approving in the way he'd change.

It was his new morning ritual, instead of sitting at his vanity and repeated words that were feed to him. He stood before someone who held his utmost respect and assessed himself in her gaze.

Her absence was greatly felt.

He visited the room where she was kept during her heat. Genie wouldn't be happy had she know of his disobedience. But he took care to hide his actions. Though he only stood at the door, he could hair her scratching at the barrier, sensing a warm body at the other side. He spoke to her, but her response were groans and grunts sometimes pleads. He felt weak in his inability to aid her.

"Do you have any siblings Nathanael?" The omega voice at his position, standing barefooted at the bed of a river, his toes buried under the cool, clear liquid.

"Yes, I have younger brothers" The man that was no longer strange spoke at his right. He too had his boots in his hands and his feet in the water.

They had met at the market. It was Gael's turned to purchase the brothel's weekly provision.

Nathanael had appeared at random, trading his arms in exchange for time, much like he'd done the times before. For an hour Gael led the stranger through the marketplace, glancing every so often to the tall man that followed, large basket in hand. At this very moment, the basket sat in the shade of an old apple tree, where flowers were blooming, but fruit had yet to appear.

"I have sisters, older and younger, brothers as well" Gael ending their silence as he stares into the distance.

"I've never met them, I was raised apart. Their fates were much grander than mine" He explained, not knowing why he found it effortless so speak to Nathanael. Gael didn't need to be told of the dangers of finding comfort in a stranger.

But maybe this was part of the change he'd promised. Finding pleasure in the midst of danger.

Turning to the man that had yet to say a single word, Gael found his emerald gaze and asked.

"Do I bore you?"

Nathanael shook his head.

"Not at all. " He assured. "I am simply chocked"

"Why so?" The omega inquired turning to better face the stranger.

"I wrongfully thought you happy," He began, facing the omega in his turn. "I thought your life simple"

Gael gave his words some insight. Finding them nor insulting or praise-filled. He shrugged, turning back to the river.

It was of a moderate size, the body of water appearing more green then blue under the sun's rays. In the distance, there were women doing laundry and children playing.

"I am content at this moment" He admitted. Letting the silence settle between them as the wind blew, bringing with it, the smell of flower, soap and the laughter of children. When the breeze had settled, his gaze returned to Nathanael. He asked.

"What of your brothers, are you close?"

Nathanael took a deep breath, silently pondering how much he would reveal to the dark eyes enchanter.

"We've also been raised apart," He admitted. Deciding that he would unveil as much as Gael did about himself.

"We are from different mothers so our role to play is distinctive, yet similar" He then added. His eyes meeting with Gael's.

"What is the role you're meant to play?" The omegas asked.

"What fate have you been dealt?" The stranger inquired.

Slowly a smile pulled on two sets of lips. Gael turned away, hiding his contentment. Nathanael took a slight step to the side, shorten the distance between their dangling hands.

Either man needed only twitch their fingers for them to touch.

Neither moved. Instead, Gael tilted his head up and stared at the clear blue sky.


Genie sat at the back of her desk, her spine curved as she stared down at her hands. Her tears slowly running down her blushing cheeks. Finger brushing across the cold texture of a locket.

She didn't dare open it. Felt as if she hadn't the right. So she kept it close, nursing it in her palm as her tears hit its silver shell.

With a trembling hand, she wiped away the sorrow filled goblets. A silent sobs pushing past her lips in the form of a breathless sigh.

It had been years since the once who bared the pendant was lost to her. And through those seasons, Genie learned that time was cruel.

It gave it her joy, laughter, and love in it's purest form. Then, as easily as it was granted. It was ripped away.

Tear-filled smiles, warm silent nights and pointless arguments. It was unfair! Time preserved the memories of him but took his face from her sight. 

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Along with a familiar voice requesting entrance.

In a haste, the mistress hides the locket in her desk, wiped her face and sat straight.

With a voice that betrayed nothing of her sorrows and weakness, she called out.

"Enter" Smiling as Gael walked through the door and handed her the remaining of this weeks' food budget.

He reported his purchases, she listened till the end, then teases him for a bit. Finding it easy to forget her pain in reddening of her cheeks.

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